Harrisburg, PA 5th Annual Gun Rights Rally Set

Harrisburg, PA 5th Annual Gun Rights Rally Set

Harrisburg, PA 5th Annual Gun Rights Rally
Harrisburg, PA 5th Annual Gun Rights Rally
Firearms Owners Against Crime
Firearms Owners Against Crime

Pennsylvania –-(AmmoLand.com)- The Fifth Annual 2nd Amendment Rally date has been set for 10 AM on April 27, 2010 in Harrisburg, Pa. Once again we ask for your help and participation in this event.

We will use this event as a springboard to pass vital pro gun legislation that will affect how FFL’s conduct business and your ‘right to bear arms’ throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

It cannot be repeated often enough that the more interest shown at these kinds of events, the more our elected officials will notice our presence and the more impact our efforts will have throughout the day.

Our past four rally’s have highlighted needed changes in Pennsylvania Firearms laws resulting in improvements and protections being enacted into law such as ‘prohibiting the confiscation of firearms in an emergency’ and protecting the rights of hunters to carry a self defense firearm with them when in the field and eliminating the gun ban when riding a snowmobile and numerous other needed changes.

With YOUR help we can begin to raise the awareness of other problems (political minefields) that exist and encourage changes that the ‘people’ want and deserve. After all being the 10th most restrictive state in the country on firearms (according to the Brady Campaign) certainly hasn’t stopped criminals and cop killers!

After the rally, team leaders will break the attendees up into groups and visit every State House member and State Senator in the State Capitol to ask for their support for bills such as HB 40 (Castle Doctrine), HB 750 (Transportation of Firearms), HB 1541 (Penalties for Municipalities that enact local gun laws), and SB 842 (Castle Doctrine companion to HB 40) plus several other bills. Everyone that pre-registers will be informed of the team (organized by county of residence) they are on ahead of time by e-mail.

We need your help to pack the halls of the State Capitol Building to make this a successful event! After we visit all of the Legislators in teams, we suggest that you focus your attention on ‘your’ Senator and House member and let them know that he/she needs to listen to the needs of their constituents. The preferred dress is business casual. If you don’t own a suit or sports coat, try to borrow one and dress appropriately. Our appearance is a key factor in credibility. Once you see how the team leaders present the issues to their Legislators, you may want to again pay a visit to your Senator or Legislator at their district offices at a later date to follow up on the issues discussed in Harrisburg.

It is important to point out that each person attending will need to pre-register on the rally website (www.2ARally.com) and be present if you want a chance to win the prize, which is a Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22. If you haven’t pre-registered on the website, plan to show up a little earlier so that we don’t experience a last minute rush. This gun can be seen at www.2Arally.com along with the downloadable event flyer, details of the event, maps to the Capital Building, plus some of the bills we deem to be important issues in the Commonwealth. Also included are some of the guest speakers invited. If you plan to arrive armed, try to be there by at least 9 AM to check in your firearm at the door (rear entrance of Capitol building by fountain).

Best Regards,
Kim Stolfer, Chairman
Firearms Owners Against Crime

The Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) is non-partisan, non-connected Political Action Committee organized to empower ‘all’ gun owners, outdoors enthusiasts and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution Visit: www.foac-pac.org