Gun Rights LettersTo Editor Contest Winner Selected

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor Large
Gun Rights Letters to Editor Contest Winner Selected

USA –-( Judges turned out to be secondary to chance in selecting today’s winner of the Gun Rights Examiner letters to the editor contest, first announced one month ago in this column. In the end, three finalists split one vote from this correspondent and one each from fellow judges, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman and St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner Kurt Hofmann.

While several other readers forwarded emails showing they had submitted pro-gun rights letters, and some of those were remarkably good, it should be no surprise to those who are cognizant of “Authorized Journalist” media bias that many such outlets are not sympathetic to giving armed defense advocates a mass forum.

With the three letters that made it into print resulting in three votes, and since this is the site hosting the contest, Gun Rights Examiner elected to resolve the unexpected impasse by drawing straws. The winner of the Deep Conceal holster is Russell Greenidge of Yuma, AZ, for his letter published in the Yuma Sun, “Training necessary for campus guns.” This was, incidentally, the very first letter entered in the contest.

A second letter by activist and author Alan Korwin, “Gun-bill veto actually makes us less safe,” was published in The Arizona Republic.  In the interest of full disclosure, it’s no secret to readers of this column that Korwin is a colleague and friend.

Unfortunately, the third letter cannot be linked to at this time—it was accepted for publication by the editor of UC Davis Magazine within the contest time frame, but will not be available until June. Gun Rights Examiner will provide a link when it becomes available online.

Congratulations and thanks are in order for Mr. Greenidge, for the other two finalists, and for all Gun Rights Examiner readers who took the time to write a letter to try and help educate readerships. That more did not is something the gun rights community needs to work on though—writing letters to editors and to representatives is something that needs to be done by all issue advocates as a matter of course.

Thanks are also due to Deep Conceal, for sponsoring this initiative.

About David Codrea

David Codrea is a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He is a field editor for GUNS Magazine, and a blogger at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. Read more at

David Codrea