Gun Rights Front & Center Of Issues in November 2018 Election


Vote Pro Gun
Gun Rights Front & Center Of Issues in November 2018 Election

Michigan – -( Elections have consequences. And next month’s election for America will prove to have a dramatic impact on legal gun owners.

Our state and country can either pursue a path of liberty laid down by the Founders, or we can descend into an Orwellian socialist system where individual rights are heavily curtailed by ignorance, hate and mob rule.

Let’s imagine it’s a year from now, the fall of 2019. We can contemplate two very different political scenarios.

In the first one, Michigan voters have maintained a pro-gun Legislature and elected the first governor who is solidly supportive of self-defense rights in a generation. Permitless carry has been signed into law. Michigan’s pistol registry has been erased bringing Michigan in line with most other states. Many pistol free zones have been eliminated. Young adults can get a provisional concealed pistol license at age 18. Preemption has been given teeth, making it much easier to enforce.

In the second one, a new governor who has campaigned alongside Moms Demand Action combined with an anti-gun Legislature has adopted the first gun control laws in Michigan in 30 years. Sales of modern rifles are now banned in the state. Pistol free zones have been extended to all public property. Red flag laws result in the seizure of firearms without due process. Registration has been extended to long guns. There is now a 30 day waiting period to purchase a firearm. Preemption has been eliminated. Wayne County has adopted a sin tax on ammunition sales which is now only available for purchase from local police departments in limited numbers. Other urban counties are adopting their own restrictions.

The key difference between these two very possible realities is who turns out to vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. We hope it will be you and that you’ll take the time to review and support candidates who support responsible gun owners.

-MCRGO Director Steve Sanderson

Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun OwnersAbout Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners:

The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day.

Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms through education, litigation, and legislation” Visit: