Gun found in kid’s backpack at Florida elementary school (VIDEO)

A staff member at Chaffee Trail Elementary School in Jacksonville, Florida, found a firearm in a child’s backpack Wednesday.

School officials say the gun was found when another student reported an item missing and while searching for that item, the staff member instead found the gun.

The gun was confiscated and law enforcement was called to handle the situation, but the incident has some parents feeling a little on edge, especially since this is the school district’s eighth incident involving a gun since the start of the school year.

“It’s just very scary,” said a parent of a fourth-grader – her fifth child to attend the school – who did not want to be identified. “It makes me feel not safe. You send your kids to school to be safe, but now it’s, like, you have to almost watch over them daily, pray over them daily.”

Chaffee Trail Elementary Principal Casey Doyle confirmed that the student with the gun was taken into police custody and “may face serious criminal charges and will be disciplined according to the Student Code of Contact, which may include expulsion.”

Doyle also pleaded in a letter sent home to parents, “Please talk with your child about this incident, and continue to emphasize their role in keeping our school safe. We encourage you to monitor your child’s belongings and the items he or she may bring to school.”

No one was injured and Doyle commended the cooperation they received from students, as well as the quick actions of school staff and law enforcement.

[ News 4 Jax ]

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