Gun Control On the Move At the Federal & State Levels

Gun Control On the Move At the Federal & State Levels

Virginia Gun Owners Coalition
Virginia Gun Owners Coalition

Virginia –-( The video above announces a major gun control move by Obama.

I will keep you posted as soon as Obama announces his plan for gun control.


Let me explain.

You wake up at 3:00 AM to the sound of breaking glass.

You are confronted by two large men in your living room.

As one of them lunges at your wife, you are able to squeeze off a round.

One intruder flees and the other is wounded.

Two months later the wounded intruder sues you for damages?

Is that fair?

Or is this fair?
To exercise your right to carry and bear arms you must to submit to tests, pay fees, and have your name in a government data base.

That’s right!

Unlike the First Amendment right to free speech, your Second Amendment right to carry and bear arms is not free.

And, in fact, the concealed carry list in Virginia also has two dirty little secrets attached to it.

Liberals like it so that they know whose guns to confiscate.

Conservatives love it so that they can know who to ask for money at election time.

The above two outrages are why VGOC is pushing to pass HB 2069, Constitutional Carry, and HB 1573, the Castle Doctrine Bill.

HB 2069, Constitutional Carry, allows you to get a permit for out-of-state carry but eliminates the requirement for law-abiding Virginians in Virginia.

HB 1573 codifies existing common law and takes the right to defend yourself in your home out of the hands of judges with an agenda. It protects you from civil suits for defending your home.

The good news is that both these bills, along with HB 1438, which exempts all goods made and kept in Virginia (including guns) from the federal interstate commerce clause and HB 1699, the Gun Owners Due Process Bill, providing a path to restoration of gun rights for those who have been stripped of their gun rights, are all moving through the House of Delegates.

Our problem is in the Senate.
The good news in the Senate is that it appears that we will be able to stop all the anti-gun bills this year.

But the bad news is that Senate Democrats, who in the past have helped us pass repeal of the restaurant ban and concealed car carry for those without permits, have voted against the Senate version of the Castle Doctrine Bill, SB 876.

You see, anti-gun Senate Democrat Leader and political boss, Richard Saslaw, is furious that we passed repeal of the restaurant ban and concealed car carry last year.

Saslaw has put out the order to his subordinate Democrats to kill all pro-gun legislation.

Normally, pro-gun Democrats Deeds, Puckett, Peterson, Reynolds, and Edwards are with us. Without them we cannot get anything through the Senate.

The only way to overcome an order from a political boss like Saslaw is to take advantage of this year’s senate election.

After November we won’t have senate elections for another four years.

That is why it is critical that we mobilize voters in the districts of these Senate Democrats RIGHT NOW!

Here is my plan.

At a minimum we need recorded floor votes, even if we lose, for use at election time. I am asking a number of Senators to use the rules to force a full Senate floor vote.

However, if you and I can mobilize enough voters in the districts of these pro-gun Democrats we should be able to push through to victory this year.

That is why it is critical that you you go to and register.

I have the names and address of thousands of gun owners in the districts of these Democrats who lean pro-gun.

My consultant has handed me a modest budget of $13,542 to mobilize 30,000 gun owners in these five key districts.

We need to make our pro-gun Democrat friends realize that they will be held accountable and that their jobs are on the line this November.

This is a critical year and a critical fight. It will affect our gun rights for the next four years.

For Liberty,
Mike McHugh
President, VGOC to donate.

P.S. Anti-gun Democrat leader and political boss Richard Saslaw has put out the order to kill all pro-gun bills this year.

That means that the pro-gun Democrats who are normally with us are running scared.

To overcome this outrage, read above about my plan to use this year’s Senate elections to make this pro-gun Democrats realize that their jobs are on the line.

Virginia Gun Owners Coalition is Virginia’s only no-compromise, non-partisan gun lobby patterned after Gun Owners of America on Capitol Hill. VGOC is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(4) of the IRS code. Because we lobby politicians to protect and defend the 2nd Amendment, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Visit: