Gun Confiscation Advocate Raising Money For Iowa Senate Candidates!

Gun Confiscation Advocate Raising Money For Iowa Senate Candidates!
Gun Confiscation Advocate Raising Money For Iowa Senate Candidates!

U.S.A.-( You may have heard about Congressman Eric Swalwell in the news lately. He is a native Iowan who represents the San Francisco Bay Area in the United States Congress, and he happens to be the most aggressive gun control advocate in Washington. He’s become famous for his call to involuntarily buyback all ‘assault weapons’ and criminally prosecute those who fail to turn in their weapons. From his op-ed in USA Today:

we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.

Rep. Swalwell has received more attention this week after his interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News advocating for a full ban and criminalization of semi-automatic weapons:

So why does this matter?

For the last several weeks, we’ve been trying to get former Iowa Moms Demand Action leader and Iowa Senate candidate Amber Gustafson on the record about a “full assault weapons ban” that is being championed by Iowa Gubernatorial candidate Cathy Glasson.

Cathy Glasson is a Moms Demand Action endorsed “Gun Sense” candidate who is not shy about her desire to ban so-called “assault weapons” in Iowa. Amber Gustafson also holds the “Gun Sense” candidate badge of honor and is frequently recognized by national media as a mom running to represent Bloomberg’s gun control organization. Amber has even received hundreds of dollars directly from anti-gun leader Shannon Watts.


Every time she’s asked about her fellow “Gun Sense Candidate” Cathy Glasson’s proposed ban all you hear from Amber is the sound of cricket’s chirping.


Even though she doesn’t dare speak publicly about her gun banning ambitions, Amber’s more than happy to invite the original co-sponsor of the Assault Weapon Ban of 2018 to headline her campaign fundraisers. Vicky Brenner, who is running against Senator Julian Garrett to represent the Madison and Warren County area and Amber Gustafson of Ankeny both invited a bay area gun confiscation advocate to Iowa to headline their event.

Even though Amber is too scared to talk openly and honestly about her gun control ambitions, the fact that she is using San Francisco politicians to bring California style gun control to Iowa speaks volumes about her intentions in the Iowa Senate.

Firearm owners in Iowa CANNOT allow the head of the gun control movement in our state to gain a seat in the legislature.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition is the only group taking it to the gun control lobby in Iowa. No one in this state is doing more to keep gun grabbers out of the legislature than IFC.

As we roll into campaign season, we need funds to put reliable, pro-gun candidates back in office.

Please donate to IFC-PAC and know that 100% of every single penny that you give goes to fighting the gun control lobby.

Gun grabbers like Amber Gustafson get a significant amount of support from outside of Iowa. The out-of-state gun control lobby thinks they can overpower the freedom loving people of Iowa. That’s why it’s imperative that you help IFC-PAC mount a counter-offensive and fight back against the out of state elitists that think they can silence gun owners in Iowa!

Like what you see? Join the only organization in Iowa that is fighting back and reporting what these gun control candidates are trying to do in Iowa!

Please share this message and word of our coalition to liberty-minded Iowans who would oppose Rep. Swalwell’s agenda in Iowa.