Governor Quinn Receives Well-Deserved Endorsement From Radical Gun Control Group

Governor Quinn Receives Well-Deserved Endorsement From Radical Gun Control Group

Governor Quinn
Governor Quinn Receives Well-Deserved Endorsement From Radical Gun Control Group
Illinois State Rifle Association
Illinois State Rifle Association

Illinois – -( The following was released today by the ISRA Political Victory Fund (ISRA-PVF):

The ISRA-PVF is delighted to learn that Gov. Pat Quinn’s re-election campaign has received the endorsement of the nation’s most active gun control organization – the Jim & Sarah Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (BCPGV). Now that Quinn has accepted the BCPGV endorsement, the voters of Illinois finally know for sure just where Pat Quinn stands on the issue of private firearm ownership.

It is well known that the BCPGV only endorses political candidates who are tightly aligned with the organization’s ideals. Thus, it is now safe to assume that Quinn marches in lockstep with the most radical elements of the gun control movement.

Likewise, it is now safe to assume the following about Pat Quinn:

  • Pat Quinn supports a legislative agenda that would result in the banning and confiscation of most of the sporting firearms owned by law-abiding American citizens.
  • Pat Quinn supports the establishment of a complex regulatory environment that would make it impractical, if not impossible for law-abiding firearm retailers to stay in business.
  • Pat Quinn supports a gun control agenda that would drive thousands of jobs out of Illinois and starve the state’s coffers of millions of much-needed tax dollars.
  • Pat Quinn supports mandated design requirements that would render most of the sporting firearms in use today too expensive, too complicated and too impractical to own.
  • Pat Quinn will continue to deny law-abiding citizens the right to employ defensive firearms to protect themselves and their families – even in their own homes.
  • Pat Quinn supports a legislative agenda that punishes law-abiding firearm owners while ignoring the true cause of gun violence – the career criminals who roam our streets with impunity.

“Although the BCPGV billed today’s event as their endorsement of Pat Quinn, I see things a bit differently,” commented ISRA-PVF spokesman, Richard Pearson.

“What I saw today was Pat Quinn endorsing the BCPGV’s extremist campaign to eliminate private firearm ownership. In light of the recent Supreme Court decisions in the Heller and McDonald cases, it is clear that Quinn is out of touch with the intent of our Constitution. Furthermore, opinion polls show decreasing public support for woefully ineffective gun control proposals such as those advanced by Quinn and his friends at the BCPGV. Certainly, Quinn is totally out of step with the mainstream public who he wishes to represent in the Governor’s Mansion.”

“The Quinn camp will claim long and loud that the Governor seeks only to impose ‘reasonable’ gun control measures,” continued Pearson.

“But, before buying that malarkey, it is important to keep in mind that the BCPGV’s gun control agenda is anything but ‘reasonable.’ In fact, the BCPGV is so extreme that the organization gave President Obama an ‘F’ rating because they felt that Obama is too ‘pro-gun’ for their taste. It is hard to imagine what must be going on inside the heads of people who actually believe that Obama is too pro-gun. As with so many other issues, Pat Quinn’s acceptance of the BCPGV’s endorsement demonstrates that he cannot resist latching on to the radical fringe whenever it comes his way.”

The ISRA-PVF is a political action committee affiliated with the Illinois State Rifle Association. Donations to the ISRA-PVF are not tax deductible. Our report may be purchased for a fee from the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.

The ISRA is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners Visit: