Good Guys Bleed Too, Pocket Life Saver ~ Video

Student of the Gun
Student of the Gun

LUVERNE, AL –-( When armed citizens image ‘their gunfight’ rarely do they ever take into account that good guys bleed too.

I’ve heard people reject the notion of learning traumatic wound care stating “I just shot him, I’m not giving him first aid”.

That kind of thinking completely misses the point. After any violent encounter my first concern is to check my family and myself for injuries.

You cannot shoot a wound closed. Will you feel morally superior if you shoot down a violent felon but your spouse or child bleeds to death because you scoffed and balked at medical training and gear? Before you tell me that medical treatment is best ‘left to the professionals’ I might remind you that many people say the same thing about guns. Do you believe that only government workers should be allowed to use firearms for self-defense?

Buying gear does not give you skill. Skill is acquired through training and experience. If you have the skill but are frustrated by the large and impractical trauma kits available, take a close look at the accompanying video. The EDC Med Kit or Pocket Life-Saver contains the minimum gear to necessary to stop-gap the Big 3 traumatic injuries while at the same time it is small enough to fit in a cargo pocket or purse.

TK4 Tourniquet

Paul Markel c 2012

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