GOA’s Larry Pratt Is Coming To Idaho

GOA's Larry Pratt Is Coming To Idaho
GOA’s Larry Pratt Is Coming To Idaho
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Idaho – -(Ammoland.com)- Rep. Ron Nate and Rep. Heather Scott will soon be introducing Constitutional Carry to the Idaho legislature.

You can fully expect the lies and deceit from the progressive left and right to immediately follow. You can expect a battle for freedom once again to rage!!!.

You must stand up and let YOUR VOICE be heard on this important issue. Sitting back and doing nothing is NOT an option. We are going to need every Idahoan speaking out to their legislators in 2016. We are going to need every Idahoan at the rally in February!

We are excited to have Mr. Larry Pratt, President of the Gun Owners of America, speaking at our rally! .In addition to Mr. Pratt, we also have former State Senator Russ Fulcher and Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman addressing us! That’s a fantastic lineup for freedom lovers everywhere!

We will meet at the Center on the Grove at 3:30 p.m. on February 20th 2016. We will then march to the Capitol building and hear from our great lineup of speakers.

Please make sure to attend the rally and help us spread the word by reaching out to all your family and friends. This is the year Idaho MUST PASS Constitutional Carry and join 7 other states in the biggest movement to restore gun rights!!!


Greg Pruett
President, ISAA

P.S. We are going to be ratcheting up our efforts to make an impact in the primary election cycle. We need to weed out any legislator that is standing in the way of real pro-gun legislation. Help us prepare by donating to the ISAA today! $100, $50, or even $25 will go a long way to ensuring the protection of the 2nd Amendment right here in Idaho!



Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance exists to fight for the 2nd Amendment rights of all Idaho citizens. Even in a gun friendly State like Idaho, the 2nd Amendment is under constant threat. Visit: www.idahosaa.org