Gemtech debuts Integra suppressed AR upper in .300BLK and 5.56 (3 PHOTOS)

Gemtech debuts Integra suppressed integrated AR upper in .300BLK and 5.56 (3 PHOTOS)

The “one-stamp” upper gives the user a non-SBR suppressed platform with a barrel that is just 16.1-inches (Photos: Chris Eger/

Boise, Idaho-based Gemtech showed up at the 145th National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting in Louisville with a very sweet new all-in-one integrated upper.

The Integra, shot for the first time in public at the ASA Suppressor Shoot in Knob Creek the day before the show, features a 10.1-inch barrel with suppressor tube pinned and welded onto the end to make it 16.1-inches overall and thus a “one-stamp” device.

The core can be removed for cleaning and maintenance. Removal is by a 3/8″ socket.

Gemtech debuts Integra suppressed integrated AR upper in .300BLK and 5.56 (3 PHOTOS)

The guts of the suppressor can be removed in seconds for cleaning

Did we mention it comes in either .300 Blackout or 5.56 variants with the BLK running 128dB?

Gemtech debuts Integra suppressed integrated AR upper in .300BLK and 5.56 (3 PHOTOS)

The suppressor components themselves are titanium

Kalispell, Montana’s Nemo Arms is making the upper receiver, rail and barrel components. The upper ships with no BCG but any mil-spec group will fit.

Price point is $1,999 (suggested), which if you know much about either Nemo or Gemtech is a relative bargain when you merge them together, and is expected to start shipping in August.

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