Gavin Newsom challenges Wayne LaPierre to a debate (VIDEO)

Wayne LaPierre Debate Challenge

Mr. Wayne LaPierre, I know you guys have been busy over there sending tweets my way, but the voters deserve more than 140 characters. So why don't you come out to California and have a real conversation with me, face-to-face? Debate me about gun violence in general, and Prop 63 specifically.I appreciate that you are a proponent of debates, having asked the President for “a one-on-one, one-hour debate – with a mutually agreed upon moderator – on any network that will take it. No pre-screened questions and no gas-bag answers.” I agree – let’s do it. Voters deserve more substance than a tweet. There’s simply too much at stake – the issue deserves a thoughtful debate, and you are the leader of the nation’s most prominent pro-gun organization leading the opposition to my initiative.We clearly have a lot to discuss. So, as you said, “bring it on.”Mr. LaPierre, I look forward to hearing from you.

Posted by Gavin Newsom on Thursday, October 6, 2016

Describing background checks for ammo sales as, “The next battle against you guys,” California’s Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom threw down a challenge to the head of National Rifle Association.

“Why are you so offended by this? Why don’t you engage me directly instead of wasting our time through social media,” says Newsom in the above video, calling out the storm of tweets that has been directed by the organization against his Prop. 63 “Safety For All” ballot initiative that would install a host of changes to the state’s gun laws.

Among the changes would be strict ammunition sales guidelines that would restrict internet sales unless delivered to licensed gun dealers and mandate background checks for each box sold over the counter.

“We’re going to take it to the next level–it’s time for background checks, not just on guns–closing those gun show loopholes which you vacuously are opposed to, which is stunning, honestly, embarrassingly stunning,” said Newsom. “But also treating ammunition like we do guns. That’s the next battle against you guys.”

In an alert released through the Safety For All campaign, Newsom repeats his call and offers to take on the NRA’s executive vice president and CEO in “At least one one-on-one, hour-long debate – or even a series of debates across California – no pre-screened questions and no gas-bag answers.”

LaPierre earlier this year offered to debate President Obama on the subject of gun control “with a mutual agreed upon moderator on any network that will take it.”

No word if Leeland Yee will be available to moderate.

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