Former hitman for Rodrigo Duterte speaks out against killings (VIDEO)

A 57-year-old man who claims he previously worked as a hitman under Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently spoke out in an interview, revealing some grueling details of his job.

Edgar Matobato says he was a member of the “Davao Death Squad” when Duterte was mayor of the city long before his presidency began and he was hired by Duterte to provide murders on command.

Now, Matobato says both he and Duterte have blood on their hands.

“I want him to pay for what he did, for the many killings he ordered,” Matobato said of Duterte through the use of a translator. “If we bring back the death penalty, I hope Duterte is the first to hang and then, I will follow.”

Matobato claims the death squad carried out around 1,400 killings in the city.

“I personally killed around 50 people,” he admitted.

Although Matobato cannot read or write, he said his wife kept a list in a journal of the names of some of those he killed.

Duterte, who is under investigation by human rights groups, has admitted to killing criminals and has been nothing short of candid about his feelings on eradicating the country’s out-of-control drug problem by any means necessary.

Nonetheless, Duterte’s Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said Matobato is “lying through his teeth” and his story is full of inconsistencies. Andanar added that the so-called “Davao Death Squad” does not exist, that’s it nothing more than merely a legend.

[ CNN ]

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