Former Candidate Buttigieg and Democrats Pandering to People Adams Warned Us About

What do you do when people conditioned by exploitative politicians to expectations of government-provided “entitlements” start feeling entitled to more? (Time/Twitter) cropped and scaled by David Codrea

U.S.A. – -( “Pete Buttigieg confronted by minimum wage, racial justice protesters at South Carolina union event,” Time tweeted in its description of an embedded video showing the failed presidential candidate desperately trying to kiss up to a rowdy mob and satisfy its demands. It didn’t work, and “Mayor Pete” was forced to retreat to his waiting car amidst angry taunts as his campaign staffers ran interference so that he could effectively make his escape.

“The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, had joined the workers, who were organized for Monday’s march by the nationwide Fight for $15 movement,” the linked Time article elaborated. “He lined up alongside the largely black crowd of red-shirted workers at the front of the march, helping to carry a sign that read ‘Racial Justice = Economic Justice.’”

True, Buttigieg is no longer a contender – give it a few years more years of “fundamental transformation.” Nevertheless, the incident tells us much. It tells us that no amount of Democrat pandering will mollify those who have been manipulated, prodded and used for generations to conclude they are entitled to property that is not theirs. It tells us about the wider manipulation of the general public to believe that covetousness, a sin that used to be regarded as a commandment from God to reject, somehow equates with “justice,” and that resisting extortion from those who demand what is yours equates with racism.

The first and obvious thing to notice about that crowd of angry loudmouths is that none of them look like they’re missing any meals. Those of us who have been overseas to less-developed nations and seen real poverty, always the result of iron-fisted regional controls that funnel obscene plunder to those who control the guns, scratch our heads. We wonder how people who are fed, housed, clothed and in possession of material goods beyond the imagination of those who literally have nothing, including any idea of where their next morsel of untainted food or sip of uncontaminated water will come from, consider themselves living in poverty.

Case in point, the video airs the grievances of a Black Youth Project 100 bellyacher. She’s in a new shirt and new hat (with the clenched fist logo, that’s somehow OK when communists, militant minority racists and George Takei’s “One Pulse for America” use it, but becomes a symbol of violent white extremists when Dana Loesch dares to mention “the clenched fist of truth.”

The Project 100 spokescommie also evidently has sufficient personal economic resources to own jewelry and to culturally appropriate straight hair from those she considers racist. Any bets against her having a nice phone?

One wonders how many of these erstwhile “community organizers” have ever run a small business, let alone taken an entry-level course in economics. Or how many self-appointed “champions” of “the working class” have ever, you know, worked…

Plenty of us started out on minimum wage jobs, and the key takeaway here is “started out” while we were working our way to something better. It’s hard for us to fathom how anyone could consider fast food “engineering” the end-all career choice, one where you not only can expect a “living wage,” but also have a big screen TV with premium channel cable and all the other material trappings of the middle class and beyond.

Not a person in that mob of malcontents has not had access to a “free” K-12 public education while growing up (albeit one administered by Democrats). Whose fault is it that they did not take advantage of that, and from there take advantage of low-cost community colleges and see where that would lead?

What, some got pregnant? Before they were ready and by some “aspiring rapper” who just wanted to rut?  Is there anyone capable of becoming pregnant, aside from the severely mentally impaired, who doesn’t know how babies happen?

To make excuses and blame others is an insult to every person of color who did the right thing and has gone on to a productive life, but unfortunately (outrageously, really), if I say that I’ll be condemned as a racist. If Larry Elder or Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell say it, they’ll be derided as “Uncle Toms.”

It doesn’t seem to occur to any of the useful idiots on the protest line that McDonalds can’t afford to pay $15 an hour for part-time jobs that we as high-schoolers used to master in a matter of days and to demand otherwise will result in business closures and no jobs, or, “thanks” to automation, being replaced by machines that demand nothing but maintenance (and the cleaning of poop bacteria off touchscreens).

Who it does occur to are those pulling their strings. In this case, follow the money.

Look at who is funding Funders for Justice “a virtual organizing platform” listing Black Youth Project 100 on its site (sorry you have to find out from “just a blogger.” All the “real reporters” are busy spreading the “racial justice” meme).

That’s a laundry list of leftwing foundations. There’s the Andrus Family Foundation, an offspring of the Surdna Foundation, started, curiously enough, by a wealthy philanthropist who valued “thrift, practicality, modesty, loyalty, excellence and an appreciation for direct service to those in need.”

Does anybody see such qualities in those yelling at Mayor Pete?

There’s the “progressive” Arca Foundation, that got its start thanks to the guilt-ridden heiress to the R.J. Reynolds fortune. Funny—the company that made it all possible is fighting tooth and nail to keep selling menthol cancer sticks to blacks.

There’s the Open Society Foundations, you know, the one founded by George Soros.  Sorry, I forgot, mentioning the name of the guy who ratted on his own people to the Nazis is condemned as  “anti-Semitic” by the same pool of propagandists who won’t tell you who the hidden hands behind the furious dissidents are.

Speaking of Nazis and anti-Semites, there’s another “Funders for Justice” enabler, the Ford Foundation. “Progressives” tell us Henry Ford promoted square dancing because he believed Jews were the hidden manipulators behind blacks playing jazz. Adolf Hitler himself praised the automobile magnate:

“These reflections are copied, for the most part, from the Dearborn Independent, Mr. Henry Ford’s newspaper. Much of the anti-Semitic propaganda once disseminated by this journal is still current in Germany … Jews are the regents of the stock exchange power of the American Union. Every year they manage to become increasingly the controlling masters of the labor power of a people of 120,000,000 souls; one great man, Ford, to their exasperation still holds out independently there even now.”

Hey, they’re pulling down Confederate statues (soon to include those of the Founding Fathers). Doesn’t it seem a bit hypocritical that there isn’t a demand to erase dead Henry from his namesake foundation?

And they call us the Nazis, fascists, and racists.

The capitalists will sell the communists the rope to hang them with, right? Or more likely, those who covet power and control over others will pervert the mutually agreeable exchange of goods and services with government coercion and exploit the resulting economic fascism to the misery of everyone “below” them.

But some are starting to realize that if things blow up on them and they manage to blunder us into a French Revolution Redux, their own necks could be the ones on the chopping block. That’s why we see “fellow zillionaire” gun-grabbers like Nick Hanauer making concessions to the mob (that those of us without elitist tax shelters will pay for) lest he ends up being carted off in a tumbril. That’s why we see others investing in “doomsday prep for the super-rich” ventures, as if the first thing professionally-trained “luxury compound” armed contractors, that is, “the help,” won’t do is to take over for themselves and maybe let some of the trophy wives live if there’s enough food.

Back to Mayor Pete’s McDonalds Misadventure, what he and every politician pandering to a population intentionally debilitated by interference and dependency traps in every aspect of their lives fail to come to grips with is that more government control cannot be the answer to anything but how to create a totalitarian state with a monopoly of violence. That means no guns for you.

But you’ve got to admit, it’s easier to blame “guns” than take a good hard look in the mirror. And it’s easier to look to provide-all government for disarmament solutions rather than wrestle with the cognitive dissonance of assigning “Only Ones” status to those they simultaneously deem “deserving” of taking up arms against.

We know the Founders intended for the “whole people” to be armed and instructed us that this was “necessary to the security of a free state.” But they also knew that freedom came with a set of conditions. They knew that “majority rule” was the surest path to manipulated tyrannical control, so they created a system of Constitutional checks and balances to impede that from happening. And they knew it would be up to the heirs of Liberty to be the guardians of their generations, as Mr. Franklin reminded us all with his prescient “A Republic if you can keep it” warning.

John Adams knew all of this when he told the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

He knew the First Amendment did not allow the government to dictate how that would manifest itself. Suffice it to say it you believe in the dignity of all individuals who practice “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and that rights are preexisting and that legitimate government has no power to overrule them, the bonds of shared ideology are stronger than the divisions of race. If you don’t, we’ve got a problem.

And we can’t both win.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.