Florida’s Charles Mcburney Should Never Be A Judge

No Judge should consider people who defend themselves Guilty Unless Proven Innocent.

Charles McBurney
Charles McBurney
Florida Carry
Florida Carry, Inc.

Florida –  -(Ammoland.com)- Please IMMEDIATELY send an email to Governor Rick Scott ( rick.scott@eog.myflorida.com ) to tell him that Charles McBurney should never be a judge.

In the subject line put: Charles McBurney is unfit to be a judge!

There is not much worse than being betrayed by someone who pretended to be a friend.

Representative Charles McBurney has betrayed your trust and now he wants the high honor of being appointed to one of the most important positions of power in government, he wants to be a Florida Judge.

Here’s what happened:

In 1995 our legislature wisely passed Self-Defense Immunity provisions in Florida’s Stand Your Ground laws. Since that time, the courts have created pre-trial evidentiary hearings to decide if a person has immunity from prosecution in cases where self-defense is claimed. Then the courts dangerously undermined the law by reversing the burden of proof. The courts now force people to prove they acted in self-defense rather than making the State prove that a person committed a crime at the immunity hearings.

Due to these recent court decisions, if you are forced to act in self-defense you are considered guilty unless you can prove yourself innocent at your hearing.

Professor Charles Rose, director of the Center for Excellence in Advocacy at the Stetson University College of Law, said:
“The law doesn’t work, … at this point any lawyer who files a Stand Your Ground (immunity) claim is really guilty of malpractice.”

During our last legislative session Sen. Rob Bradley set out to fix it! He passed SB-344, the “Burden of Proof” bill, through the Florida Senate. Once the bill was sent to the House, the Speaker of the House assigned the bill for a hearing by Rep. McBurney’s committee and even authorized him to hold a special committee hearing specifically to pass it on to the House floor for a final vote.

But, Rep. Charles McBurney’s ambition to become a Judge requires the support of the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association. Prosecutors don’t like having to prove that the people they want to put in jail are actually guilty and fought against the “Burden of Proof” bill.

So, despite the Speaker’s wishes, and prior promises to us, McBurney refused to give the bill a hearing and singlehandedly killed it. You have been betrayed.

Anyone who does not believe that people are innocent until proven guilty has no business being a Judge.

We need your help to stop this!

Please IMMEDIATELY send an email to Governor Rick Scott and tell him that Charles McBurney should never be a judge.




About Florida Carry, Inc.:

Florida Carry, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental rights of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self-defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Sections 2 and 8 of the Florida Constitution. Florida Carry stands to represent our supporters, members, and millions of defensive arms owners of Florida. We are not beholden to any national organization’s agenda that may compromise that mission. Florida Carry works tirelessly toward striking down ill-conceived gun and weapons control laws that have been proven to provide safe havens to criminals and be deadly to law-abiding citizens.

For more information, please visit www.FloridaCarry.org.