FL Pro-Gun Sheriff Prosecuted by Anti-Gun State Attorney in 2A Case

Sheriff Nick Finch
Sheriff Nick Finch
Marion P. Hammer
Marion P. Hammer

Florida – -(Ammoland.com)- We have been flooded with requests for information concerning the arrest of pro-gun Sheriff Nick Finch of Liberty County, Florida, for his actions in upholding the Second Amendment.

And his subsequent prosecution by Willie Meggs, the anti-gun State Attorney for 2nd Judicial Circuit, Florida.

Many have asked if there is anything they can do to help, and the answer is YES.

The trial is now over and Sheriff Nick Finch has been reinstated as Sheriff of Liberty County.

It only took the jury a little over an hour to find Sheriff Finch NOT GUILTY.

While Meggs used taxpayer dollars to conduct what many have called a malicious, witch hunt prosecution, Sheriff Finch is left with a whopping debt for defending himself. (information is listed at the end of this report on how you can help Sheriff Finch)

Pro-gun Sheriff Richard Mack of Arizona attended the trial and posted his report online with OathKeepers.org. To read Sheriff Mack on Sheriff Finch’s Acquittal in the November 1 edition of Oath Keepers, please click here.

NOTE *** Sheriff Nick Finch is left with a six-figure debt for defending the Second Amendment. If you want to help, you can send a check payable to:


Nick Finch Legal Defense Fund
c/o P.O. BOX 10378,
Tallahassee, FL 32302

For more information on this case please read Sheriff Nick Finch Acquitted, Immediately Reinstated by Governor in October 31 edition of The New American.