E-mail Bomb – Over 1,000,000 Pro Gun Emails to Legislature in Annapolis

E-mail Bomb – You have sent over 1,000,000 Emails to the Legislature in Annapolis…

Email Bomb
Email Bomb
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore

Maryland –-(Ammoland.com)- Governor O’Malley is doing everything he can to offset the tidal wave of pro-gun, pro 2nd Amendment, pro-Freedom emails you have been sending.

We asked for a blitz last Friday during the hearings and you responded with over 69,000 emails. You broke the 1,000,000 thermometer at about 8:30 AM last Friday. The current email count is 1,068,717.

Contact your fellow gun owners in Maryland and tell them to use our “Email you Legislators” link to voice their opposition to the Governor’s gun ban.

Your legislators still need to hear from you and the AGC has provided an effective tool to help Maryland’s gun owners.

Email Bomb Count
Email Bomb Count

The “Email your Legislators” feature on the AGC Website’s Legislative News page is simple to use and very effective. In no more time than it takes to send a single email, you can send up to 188 individual personal emails, one to each and every member of the Maryland General Assembly.

Your message does not need to be long or in great detail. Short and to the point is fine. Save the long detailed explanations for your “on paper” letters.

Let’s continue to Blitz the Legislature. Tell them that we won’t stand idle, and we won’t be blamed, nor are we responsible for what someone else did.


  • The system will automatically fill in the Salutation for you by adding either “Dear Senator Name” or “Dear Delegate Name” above your message
  • Always keep your communications respectful and courteous!
  • Short and to the point emails work best.

Click on the link with the red scrolling banner in the AGC’s Email Your Legislators system.

Click here to launch your personal email campaign in support of your gun rights

Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. (AGC), located in Marriottsville, Maryland. The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. was formed on July 1, 1944 when a number of World War II veterans in the Baltimore, Maryland area began looking for a place for recreational and competitive shooting. They organized with several other Baltimore area shooting clubs to form the “AGC” Visit: www.associatedgunclubs.org