Did A Broken Surveillance Camera Prevent Race Riots?


Jussie Smollett Arrested
Jussie Smollett Arrested 2019

USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Jussie Smollett didn’t have to have his two paid conspirators put on masks and MAGA hats. Smollett selected a spot for his staged assault where the attack would have been recorded. He wanted a video of his attack to be captured. Smollett wanted it to go viral. He wanted a video what showed white Trump supporters beating a black man.

In 1992 the video or Rodney King being beaten by cops was on T.V. We saw the video hourly, the result was a race riot in which 63 people were killed, and 2,383 people were injured, with more than 12,000 arrests. One thousand buildings were burned to the ground or severely damaged.

Now 30 years later fueled by Facebook, Twitter and a liberal media that seems intent on driving clicks and likes more than they care about the truth. What do you think that Smollett produced video would have given us? Let’s face facts. If this had been staged in LA, or New York with their activist police chiefs, the truth would never have been outed.

Despite their anti-gun proclivities we all owe the Chicago Police a debt of thanks for being professionals and not politicians.

For the last decade with the help of the liberal media leftwing activists have been stacking up the US like a cord of kindling. From ANTIFA planting IEDs at a police station to BLM assassinating cops, we’ve been shown that the left is violent and ready to act. So now you add in an activist like Smollett willing to light the fuse. What I fear is not that he is a fool, but instead he (or whoever planed the idea in his sick mind) realized what the effect of his action would have been.

The Country is told every day that Trump is a racist. Every Democrat candidate for President has said it, as has CNN and MSNBC, any and most all of the alphabet networks chime in. You then invent a race-based attack that does nothing more than back up the lies of the left wing media. By accident or by planning the Country has been primed for racial violence. If you don’t believe, look at Ferguson. Activists paid for and bussed rioters in to burn homes and businesses. They bussed in agitators to attack the police and create horrors.

To the left, the truth is what they decide it is. The truth is what they can sell to the masses. Facts need not to be considered when you have moral superiority.

CNN sees themselves as the opposition to Trump, not a news service. Race Riots means a rise in ratings and clicks. Race Riots means the left can promote their lies that Trump is evil and progressivism is good.

We’re all being played by the left. The news is not about the story it is a profit center for big media. If you can tell a lie and it boosts profits all the better. Again the truth does not matter to the left, just profits and ideology.

So what can we do? Turn off the far left news, don’t visit their sites. Starve the beast.

Buy a gun and learn how to use it and store it safely. I still say IF the shit hits the fan be ready to protect your family. Buy a quality black rife to give your defense some range.

About Don McDougallDon McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.