Designer posts free 3D printed poison dart gun plans in protest to federal ban (VIDEO)

Peter Alaric DeSimone got kinda hosed off at the recent prohibition against sharing desktop 3D printer files on weaponry, so he designed a .40 caliber poison dart gun project as a workaround.

When Cody Wilson published his DEFCAD and the Wiki Weapon Project 3D printed Liberator pistol files online, the State Department, specifically the Dept. of Defense Trade Controls, stepped in and closed the whole thing down, citing that it violated the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), which regulate what weapons and technologies may be exported.

This of course led to a lawsuit by Wilson and gun rights advocates and further proposed rule changes by the State Department, which could possibly give ITAR even bigger teeth.

This prompted DeSimone to envision a rubber-band powered pistol, which he contends is not a firearm and is therefore exempt from ITAR regs (for now.)

3D Dart gun plans

Peter Alaric DeSimone’s gun in concept. (Photo:

It fires .40 caliber darts which could be tipped with deadly poisons if so desired. While he makes clear that he doesn’t actually have any deadly poisons he intends to use, he did make a gun and tested it out.

Further, he has the plans freely available for download on his site.

“If Mr. Obama had not attempted to stifle free speech in this way, I probably would have simply worked on another, more innocuous project,” says De Simone. “But as it is, I felt compelled to act. This gesture of protest further proves the obvious futility of attempting to regulate.”

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