Democrats Mission to Weaponize the #MeToo Movement

U.S.A.-( left has co-opted the #MeToo movement, and they are using as a modern-day version of McCarthyism.

The #MeToo movement was started to call out the Hollywood elites that used their position of power to sexually assault women without fear of repercussions. Longtime Clinton friend and donor Harvey Weinstein was brought down by the movement, but then something changed.

In the regressive left’s rush to paint all conservatives as misogynistic cavemen, they weaponized accusations of sexual assault. Sexual assault is a heinous crime that profoundly scares the victim of assault for life. Knowing this the Democrats are using it to stave off criticism of the accusers.

“Believe Women!” they will yell while waving their mass-produced signs handed out by far-left groups funded by the likes of George Soros.

Yes, believe women unless that woman happens to make allegations against one of their leaders. Justice Kavanaugh got attacked for a baseless claim about his teenage years and “secret” codes in his high school yearbook. All the while their demigod, Bill Clinton, has faced repeated allegations of rape and sexual abuse and he gets a pass from the leftist mob.

It is not only Clinton. Women have accused high ranking Democrat Keith Ellison of domestic violence, but the local police refuse to look into the charges citing a conflict of interest due to their ties to Ellison. If anyone thinks that the charges leveled at Kavanaugh and other conservatives are about protecting women, then they are naive.

One term I have seen being thrown around a lot by the left while referring to women who supported Kavanaugh is “gender traitors.” This term brings up memories of hooded Klan members calling people “race traitors” because they were in an interracial relationship or supported civil rights. Both terms do have the same roots in the Democratic party.

The left frames the argument in a way that any women who didn’t automatically believe every word that Dr. Ford said is a self-hating female. They have this notion that a diversity of ideas is a bad thing, and polls back up that this is how they think.

Last month Pew Research looked into the makeup of the Republican and Democratic parties when it comes to ideas. Over the years the Republican party has moved slightly to the left while still maintaining their right-wing branch. What this means is that more people with diverse ideas fell under the Republican umbrella.

When the same study looked at the Democratic party, we see something shocking. The base of the Democrats has moved way over to the left, and their center is almost gone. Their diversity of ideas has narrowed significantly. It would be almost impossible for a centrist to win outside a state like West Virginia when it comes to a Democratic primary without dirty tricks like the ones we saw in the 2016 Democratic primaries.

That is why socialism is now mainstream in the Democratic party. These are leftist are also more likely to use the “by any means necessary” approach to politics including trying to destroy a rival’s life by spreading false accusations.

It isn’t just to ruin that person’s life. The left launches their attacks as a warning to others that might go against their hivemind like ideas. If you do not think like them, you have two choices: Stay in the closet or have your livelihood taken away and your family destroyed.

The scariest part is that the regressive left wants to shift the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused. It is much more difficult to prove innocence than it is to prove guilt. The founding fathers knew this, and it is the reason why people are innocent until proven guilty.

Judge Kavanaugh Hearing Protestors
Judge Kavanaugh Hearing Protestors

“Believe victims,” their signs read during the protest in DC earlier this month.

I say we believe the person who we think is telling the truth. When there are mountains of evidence clearing someone of wrongdoing we have no obligation to accept the accuser’s story. We still believe the victim, but in this case, the accused is the victim of a partisan attack.

Most of all the idea of guilty until proven innocent is un-American. It harkens back to the days of the USSR and their Kangaroo courts. We see this tactic in North Korea and backward Middle East countries. It is a way of getting rid of political opponents and is straight out of a science fiction book of a dystopian future. These accusations is a new scarlet letter.

We as libertarians and conservatives cannot let the radical leftist get away with the weaponization of baseless claims. We must have the courage to fight back much like Lindsey Graham, and Susan Collins did during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. If we don’t these charges will only get worse. You might be the next target of the leftist.

We are in a fight for the soul of our country. When I tuck my kids in at night, I realize we are also in a battle for their future, and I am not going to be afraid to fight back.

About John CrumpJohn Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at