Democratic Trumpsteria Continues

President Trump
President Trump

U.S.A.-( If liberals would quit acting so crazy, maybe they would have a chance of making significant gains in Congress in the upcoming midterm elections and achieve their goal of eroding support for President Donald Trump. But it’s not gonna happen.

Liberals’ extremism and outrageousness, and Conservatives’ failure to stop them, created the conditions leading to Trump’s election. Now the left’s unrepentant persistence is sustaining, and even increasing, Trump’s support. Please let liberals’ learning disability continue.

They freak out over everything Trump does, apparently not realizing that their over-the-top reactions are way more unreasonable than anything Trump is doing. At a party fundraiser this past weekend, Trump quipped that Chinese President Xi Jinping is “now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday.”

You can imagine the monolithic liberal media beta males congregating at their water coolers and whispering, “I know he’s joking, but he does have authoritarian tendencies. Creepy.”

Some even raced to their bullhorns and made fools of themselves publicly with the specious claim. CNN’s Chris Cillizza penned an opinion piece under the title “This may be the scariest thing Donald Trump has said as president.”

Wow. Do you think Cillizza seriously believes that this is scarier than Trump’s promise to cut taxes, which has already led to an economic boom that jeopardizes the beleaguered Democrats’ upcoming electoral prospects? What about his promise to appoint judges who genuinely care about the Constitution and the rule of law? Those things are indeed frightening for Cillizza’s ilk, so he must have agonized over giving the nod to Trump’s dictator joke.

In his quasi-hysterical piece, Cillizza wrote: “It’s not totally clear to me whether Trump was half-joking or not. Trump’s speech was behind closed doors.” Well, it’s not clear to me whether Cillizza is in possession of a humor molecule. His memory is also apparently on the blink, for he didn’t mention former President Barack Obama’s reported lament that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. Obama was complaining about the constitutional restraints that kept him from just dictating policy on certain issues. But his statement would have been much easier to take seriously than Trump’s because he actually did trample the Constitution every time he could get away with it. Yet his liberal media enablers stood silent.

Liberals’ hyperventilation over Trump’s tongue-in-cheek throwaways is a mild example of their venom and fruitcakery. When columnist Bethany Mandel published an op-ed in The New York Times relating her experience in buying a gun to protect her family, gun control activist Shannon Watts accused her on Twitter of having fear, paranoia and white privilege. Watts tweeted that Mandel’s white skin makes her less likely to be at risk as a gun owner, regardless of her hardscrabble background. “I guess you don’t believe in racism,” Watts tweeted to Mandel.

Leave it to an identity politics-obsessed leftist to invoke racism to attack a white, Jewish, wife and mother of three for purchasing a weapon to defend herself and her family in the face of actual threats made against her. I would say you can’t make this stuff up, but it’s better to say you don’t have to make this stuff up, because leftist nastiness and nuttiness are a gift that keeps on giving.

Speaking of which, when Attorney General Jeff Sessions strongly criticized Libby Schaaf — the mayor of Oakland, California — for warning immigrants, who are here illegally, about upcoming raids, she fired back that Sessions has racist motives. “How dare you distort the reality about declining violent crime in a diverse sanctuary city like Oakland, California, to advance your racist agenda?” she said. California Gov. Jerry Brown accused the federal government of launching a “reign of terror.” “This is basically going to war against the state of California,” Brown said.

It’s hard for me to understand how even leftists have the audacity to publicly admit that they think there is nothing illegal or immoral about a city official’s giving a heads-up to law violators that federal law enforcement officers are on the way.

OK, it’s not really that hard. Last year, California state Sen. Kevin de Leon claimed that the Trump administration’s law enforcement policies were based on principles of white supremacy rather than American values. And only about a month ago, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi shrieked that the Republicans’ immigration plan was designed to “make America white again.”

For all the Democrats’ stated concerns over Trump’s alleged excesses, he doesn’t hold a candle to their daily behavior even on his worst day. Recent polls show that Trump’s re-election prospects are looking pretty good. The game of politics is fluid and unpredictable, so these polls say little about what will happen in 2020. But they do tell us how these tired Democratic tactics are going over today.

As a Republican, I can only hope they continue.

About David LimbaughDavid Limbaugh

David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is “The True Jesus: Uncovering the Divinity of Christ in the Gospels.” Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at

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