Demeanor of March for Our Lives ‘Student Leaders’ Could be Movement’s Achilles’ Heel

#MarxForOurLives ? Not all “student survivors” are on board with the totalitarian impulses of those getting the lion’s share of media attention, as this tweet from Marjory Stoneman Douglas student Kyle Kashuv makes clear.

USA – -( The well-funded and manipulative “March for Our Lives” agenda may seem unnerving, especially after Saturday’s coordinated events were given priority coverage by an activist media slavering every bit as much for citizen disarmament as the moist rabid participants. Many are spooked, as evidenced by the capitulation of President Trump and many “A-rated” Republicans on several “gun control” giveaways. Many of those have been given the green light by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the National Rifle Association, both of which are backers of the so-called “bump stock” ban, “Fix NICS “ expansion, and prior restraint disabilities, from so-called “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” to mental health blanket dragnets.

Gun owners who pay attention to such things will note any movement toward national reciprocity or hearing protection advancement is dead in the water and unlikely to gain traction prior to the midterms, if ever. They’ll also note that the budget “deal” did not rescind Chuck Schumer’s appropriations ban on rights restoration, and that March for Our Lives sponsor Planned Parenthood will still get half a billion dollars whether citizens want their tax dollars going to it or not.

It does raise an eyebrow when accusations of “blood on the hands” are leveled.

While hundreds of thousands attended (in many cases bussed in) “rallies” nationwide (and in Europe!), hundreds of millions did not. Aside from Democrat-dominated urban areas, most of “Red State” America went about its business Saturday. To the displeasure of some noting it, a lot of those went shooting.

As conservative writer David Horowitz has noted,”Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

That ruling elites find disarmed people easier to “manage” ought to be a self-evident truth, but curiously, those who rail against “the One Percent” and police abuses are among the loudest voices demanding a monopoly of violence. You’d think they’d understand that there is no more truly egalitarian power-sharing arrangement than having an armed populace. Those exploiting useful idiots understand that perfectly.

They also understand that fever-pitch emotion is the “best remedy” against inconvenient truths taking root – like schools being “gun free zones,” authorities ignoring clear warning signs and “first responders” making sure they stayed out of harm’s way until it was too late. Get such an ignorant mob stirred up and they’ll never let little things like due process or presumption of innocence get in the way of a satisfying hanging, especially if the “guilty party” can be portrayed as a hateful monster like a “blood on his hands” gun owner. The thing is, those portrayed that way – and those who know them – know such accusations are lies, which opens the door to questioning the character and the motives of those spreading them.

In this case, the “student leaders” being feted and exalted are neither believable — nor even sympathetic or likeable — to any but a deluded following. They actually come off as unlikable, hell, as detestable to many.

There’s something about a rude child presuming that he knows what he’s talking about that adults who know better find inexcusably intolerable. Obnoxious, foul-mouthed fascist-in-the-making David Hogg is enjoying his new “rock star” status while he presumes to disparage and dictate to adults he is wholly unqualified to judge. The malevolent child mistakes himself for a person of importance and unique insight, rather than a tool, and that’s especially grating on those who see him for what he is, as the armbands and the raised fist salute make evident.

Via Matt Bracken

The same goes for Emma Gonzales, the daughter of a refugee from Castro’s Cuba. Her father fled a citizen disarmament-imposing tyranny. Now she’s intent on imposing the “¿Armas para que?” arrogance of a ruthless ruling elite and subverting the freedoms of a country that took him in. That should be seen by many as contemptible ingratitude – provided those who know inform those who don’t.

It’s pretty obvious that the gun-grabbing feeding frenzy we see going on is as much based on a cult of personalities as it is on anything else, and that these immature personalities intent on controlling the rest of us have little interest in controlling themselves when they start to believe the adulation. And while an ad hominem argument generally represents a logical fallacy when it comes to issues, it becomes valid to use when people revered by fools make the focus about themselves.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.