USA – -( Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and spokesperson.
Good Gun Bad Guy 2
He speaks at events and on radio across the country and is a regular guest on NRA TV. The media and anti-gun politicians have worked long and hard to develop a narrative around gun-ownership that manipulates the thought-process of Americans and instills fear in the hearts of people every time the topic of guns comes up. The strategies and tactics that are used to infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans are corrupt, misleading, and often go unnoticed while simultaneously influencing the way people think about guns.
Good Gun Bad Guy 2 is a fascinating look at what goes on in the minds of those who want to take away the rights of good people while creating an environment that encourages criminals. In his second book, Dan takes the reader into the minds of Anti- Gunners and uncovers all the things they never wanted you to know.
Good Gun Bad Guy 2 exposes the Anti-Gun lobby. This truly is an example of a man not afraid to speak out against corruption and shine a spotlight on those who spread a false narrative, angry rhetoric, and lies.
Good Gun Bad Guy 2 is like no other pro-gun book ever written because it gives the reader an inside look at what goes on in the minds of the other side. How does he know what they are thinking? He used to be one of them. From a pro-gun family to an anti-gun mindset and back to a healthy pro-gun stance, Dan shares things about the gun conversation that will shock you.
“As I dug into the anti-gun fear-campaign I uncovered some amazing things. I decided it was time they were exposed. This is a book about just how deceitful people can be, how far they will go and why they can’t turn back.”
Dan Wos is an American Entrepreneur, Musician and NRA member who resides in Saratoga Springs, NY.