County prosecutor accidentally fires handgun in restaurant (VIDEO)

After finishing up a meal at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Anderson, Indiana, Saturday, Madison County Prosecutor Rodney Cummings accidentally fired a handgun that was in his pocket.

No one was injured, but the blast left a large hole in Cummings pants.

“It was a pretty scary situation,” said Aaron Taffner, who witnessed the incident.

After the shot was fired, the restaurant manager apparently walked up to Cummings and asked him what happened. The prosecutor explained the situation, apologized, then went to leave, but Taffner had already called 911.

When police arrived, they talked with Cummings briefly before going on about their day. But Taffner expressed disappointment in law enforcement’s lack of action and noted that he felt things would have been different had Cummings not been the county prosecutor.

Nonetheless, Cummings, who was a police officer for 15 years, said it was an accident.

“That’s not a crime or a violation,” he said. “It’s an accident.”

Cummings said while he typically carries a gun, the 9mm he had in his pocket that day was new, purchased just about two weeks ago. Cummings also noted that pocket carry probably wasn’t the best option.


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