Coordinated Anti-Gun Political Blitz Aims to ‘Scare’ Republicans

There’s an obvious lesson here about giving gun-grabbers an inch. Why do so many Republicans appear incapable of learning it?

U.S.A. –( “Republicans need to be scared of our movement,” Connecticut Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy declares. “If they don’t see us being coordinated and they don’t see us having the ability to mobilize voters and donors, they’re not going to be that scared.”

If they’re scared, Murphy surmises, if they see Democrats have turned citizen disarmament into a politically-winning issue, more of them will turn their backs on gun owners and start voting with the gun-grabbers. Based on what we’ve seen happen in Florida, he’s got a point. And in Vermont. And elsewhere.

It’s an observable truth that no Democrat can actually be “pro-gun,” but the Republican alternative is becoming increasingly problematic. All those grand promises that were made by “staunch defenders of the Second Amendment” in order to get elected have turned out to be empty words with so many. And as for advancing gun owner interests, anybody see any movement on national concealed carry reciprocity or on hearing protection?

Murphy and his fellow gun-grabbers are, if nothing else, politically savvy. They’ve identified where they can apply some nudges to change the political landscape and spook faint-hearted Republicans to bolt and/or switch sides. They’ve allied themselves with prominent gun-grabbing politicians and groups, Hillary Clinton and Everytown as representative examples, to urge donors to target candidates they call “NR8,” National Rifle Association “A”-rated representatives in districts Clinton won.

Coordinating a 24-hour October 5 fundraising blitz “with a spike in gun-control ads this election cycle” is nothing short of political psychological warfare. And those behind it will crow like hell if they can pull it off, and use that to further erode resolve in remaining red districts.

“Bring it,” some gun owners will say. “We’re not going to vote our way out of this anyway.”

Serial compromises and betrayals that demotivate a growing number of constituents ought to be what really scares Republicans. How stupid do some need to be not to realize they can abandon all principles and act like Democrats, and at the end of the day they’ll still be attacked as fascists, Nazis, racists and haters? All they will have done is alienate their base.

Meanwhile, the enemy—that is, those who would see you disarmed, and destroyed if you resist—is organized, coordinated and well-financed. That’s what it will take to engage them on that ideological battlefield.

It’ll work that way in meatspace, too, where it won’t be anywhere near as easy and things will get really scary.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.