Convention of States & the AZ Audit with AZ Senator Kelly Townsend ~ VIDEO

GunFreedomRadio EP329 Convention of States and the AZ Audit w AZ Senator Kelly Townsend.

Arizona – -( Our guest today is AZ Senator Kelly Townsend. Senator Townsend has proudly served the citizens of the 16th Legislative District since 2013.

Kelly is an accomplished author with books published in the USA, Croatia, and Slovenia. She is well-traveled internationally, with a deep interest in other cultures and customs, languages, and of course, international and state government.

And she is a fierce defender of the Constitution and is a national leader in the Article V movement and our AZ Election Integrity Audit.

1) We have moved into a new phase of the audit here in AZ. Talk to us about what we know and what we anticipate in the near future.

2) You have been a regular speaker at each of our annual Celebrate and Protect the Second Amendment Rally Events. Why is the 2A important to you?

3) What is the Convention of States?

4) What is the Article V movement?

About Gun Freedom Radio

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than ONE GENERATION away from extinction.” And we at Gun Freedom Radio feel the responsibility to pass that baton of freedom along to our fellow citizens and therefore the next generation.

Hosts, Dan Todd & Cheryl Todd are small business owners with over 60 years of combined experience, they have been married for 30 years, they are parents and grandparents. Danny and Cheryl Todd are the owners of AZFirearms and Danny is also a Gunsmith. From these life experiences, they bring a unique perspective to the world of Gun-Rights and the need to speak into the next generation of American Citizens. Visit .

Gun Freedom Radio