Come and Shoot It! Texas Gun Fest is Back!

Tickets are now on sale for the second annual Texas Firearms Festival at

Texas Gun Fest
Texas Gun Fest
Texas Gun Fest
Texas Gun Fest – On November 14 and 15, 2015 some three thousand shooters will gather at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill, Texas to shoot and buy firearms from a long list of top-tier firearms brands. Exhibitors include Barrett, Bergara, Blazer, CMC Triggers, Henry Repeating Rifles, FN-USA, Noveske Rifleworks, Primary Weapons System, Republic Forge, Roughneck Firearms, SIG SAUER, Silencer Shop, Smith & Wesson, STI, Tracking Point, Underground Tactical, Walther and Winchester Ammunition.

“Ninety-two percent of our guests promised they’d be back for 2015,” Festival Co-ordinator Lee Johnson said. “This year we’re going for 100 percent.” To lure shooters both old and new, the retail village moves to the center of the range and triples in size. “We’ve got everyone from Bond Arms to Kangaroo Carry to The Texas State Rifle Association selling their wares,” Johnson said. “Come and shop it? That too.”

Last year, the Sportsman’s Finest gun store tent sold over $30k worth of firearms. This year? “Double,” Johnson reckons. “But that’s not the Festival’s only appeal for the firearms industry. Eight-seven percent of our guests said the Festival influenced their future choice of firearms. You can’t buy that kind of branding. Oh wait. You can.”

Johnson says there are two shotgun bays, six rifle positions and about a dozen retail spots up for grabs “We’re way ahead of last year in terms of ticket sales and exhibitor bookings. If you’re a shooter or a gun industry type looking for a way to escape the winter cold – I mean, take advantage of cost-effective push marketing – Liberty Hill’s where you want to be this November.”

Johnson says other improvements will drive traffic to the Texas Firearms Festival. He’s keeping those under wraps  – for now. “One thing’s for sure,” Johnson insists. “Anyone who wants a ticket should buy one now at We limit sales to limit the lines. Once they’re gone, that’s it.”

Call 401-835-5054 or email for remaining exhibitor and retail spots. Go to for more information and ticket sales.