CloverTac’s Chris Dover This Week on Riding Shotgun With Charlie ~ VIDEO

USA – -( I was on CloverTac’s podcast earlier this year. I was excited to hear he was coming to the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, AZ, on September 21 & 22 2019. He was also at AMMcon on September 20th, 2019. Above is my drive time video with everyone’s favorite pro-gun Leprechaun, Chris Dover of CloverTac fame, check it out.

From his bio:

CloverTac is a Texas company that strives to “Chain Fire Freedom”. So what does this mean? It boils down to furthering education on a subject by first learning that subject then passing it on. We work to educate in hopes that those we educate will pass that knowledge forward.

Firearms and reloading are our topics of education, typically. We are particularly involved with youth shooting sports programs. However, we also work with the TSRA (Texas State Rifle Association) to reach adults that are interested in education. In addition, we work with the TSRA on firearm related legislation in Texas.

We love our experts too! CloverTac works with a myriad of experts, trainers and businesses in an effort to further knowledge as well as test, review, research and recommend products of interest.

In short, we love and support our firearm enthusiast community. Thank you for being a part of the CloverTac family. We cannot “Chain Fire Freedom” without YOU!

He is busing his green tail getting shows out on all platforms. Videos on YouTube and GunStreamer. Audio podcasts on all the podcast outlets. He’s busting it!

Anyway… this starts with him running in front of the stagecoach just after I finished filming a show. I told him to hop in and we were going to do an impromptu show.

Its a quick one, but we have several laughs, regardless.

Check out CloverTac at:

  • Website:
  • Youtube:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Help support his show at Patreon

Riding Shotgun With Charlie

Riding Shotgun With Charlie

Riding Shotgun With Charlie isn’t about firearms. Its about having an intimate conversation with 2 people talking. You’re the fly on the rear view mirror. Many passengers are involved in the firearm community, but not all of them.

This is a more intimate conversation than a phone, radio, or Skype interview. You get to see the passengers. And you’ll see where the road and the conversation takes you! www.ridingshotgunwithcharlie.comFacebook