Charles Heller Steps Down As Director of Arizona Citizens Defense League

Charles Heller
Charles Heller
Arizona Citizens Defense League
Arizona Citizens Defense League

Catalina, AZ –-( In October, Charles Heller stepped down as an Arizona Citizens Defense League director after 8 years of service on AzCDL’s Board.

What many may not realize, while being a member of Arizona Citizens Defense League’s Board of Directors, Charles was also the Executive Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) and currently hosts three liberty themed Sunday morning Tucson based (KVOI – AM) talk radio shows ( )

Charles may no longer be an AzCDL director, but with his vast media back- ground and experience he still serves a vital role as AzCDL’s Media Coordinator.

We are also very proud to announce the appointment of AzCDL Life Member Tom Woodrow, one of AzCDL’s earliest members and hardest working volunteers, as AzCDL’s newest director.

Please join us in welcoming Tom’s participation as an important member of AzCDL’s leadership. We look forward to working with him.

About: Arizona Citizens Defense League believes that the emphasis of gun laws should be on criminal misuse and that law-abiding citizens should be able to own and carry firearms unaffected by unnecessary laws or regulations. AzCDL was founded by a group of local activists who recognized that a sustained, coordinated, statewide effort was critical to protecting and expanding the rights of law-abiding gun owners. As a like-minded coalition of activists, the AzCDL founders were instrumental in the successful passage of the first major improvement to Arizona’s CCW (concealed carry) laws since they were instituted in 1994. Visit: