Canadian Army Holds Polite Rifle Speed Drill Challenge

Over the past several weeks, soldiers of the Canadian Army have been talking smack and posting videos on just how fast they can field strip their C7 rifles. The gun, a variant of the M16A3 made by Colt Canada, is the country’s primary infantry rifle.

In early February, a soldier of the Canadian Grenadier Guards threw the gauntlet down with a 47-second run, but many pointed out she didn’t do a function check and put the optic on backward at first.

Les membres du CGG peuvent assembler une C7 en 47sec. Si votre régiment ne répond pas à ce défi, vous acceptez qu'ils sont les meilleurs. The Canadian Grenadier Guards is better than your unit at assembling a C7, make us change our mind.

Posted by 2e Division du Canada / 2nd Canadian Division on Friday, February 8, 2019

Then, a corporal of The Brockville Rifles came in at 42 seconds.

Challenge accepted / Défi Accepté

Even though he’s from 4th Canadian Division – 4e Division du Canada, Cpl Zeiman from The Brockville Rifles like any good Canadian Army Corporal can’t pass up a challenge.In his response to Canadian Grenadier Guards in 2e Division du Canada / 2nd Canadian Division, Cpl Zeiman managed to assemble the C7A2 in 44 seconds with his functions test!He is currently taking all challengers and is eager to see the response.Think you can beat him?Good Luck!#Infantry #Joinus #Fast*********************************************************Même s’il est membre de la 4e Division du Canada, le Cpl Zeiman de Brockville Rifles, comme tout bon caporal de l’Armée canadienne, ne peut ignorer une opportunité de prendre part à un défi.En réponse au défi lancé par les Grenadier Guards de la 2e Division du Canada, le Cpl Zeiman a réussi à assembler le C7A2 en 44 secondes avec son test de fonctionnement!Il continue à pousser tous les intéressés à prendre part et est impatient de voir les résultats.Pensez-vous pouvoir le battre?Bonne chance!#Infanterie #Rejoins_nous #Vite

Posted by 33 Canadian Brigade Group | 33e Groupe Brigade du Canada on Thursday, February 21, 2019

This soldier from the 34th Combat Engineers Regiment seems to be pretty fast with a time of just under 34 seconds.


Vous pensez que vous pouvez faire mieux? Montrez-nous.CHIMO!#C7CHALLENGE2e Division du Canada / 2nd Canadian Division34 Combat Engineer RegimentCanadian Grenadier Guards

Posted by 34e Régiment du génie de combat détachement Rouyn on Friday, February 22, 2019

However, in the four-way video below, a soldier with the Les Fusiliers du St-Laurent, a reserve unit in Quebec, pulls a time of under 30.

Le gagnant du Challenge C7

Parmi ceux qui ont répondu à notre défi C7, quelle unité sera le plus rapide ? Among those who answered our C7 challenge, which unit will be the fastest?

Posted by 2e Division du Canada / 2nd Canadian Division on Thursday, March 14, 2019

More on the C7A2 below, from a Colt Canada rep who is also a Canadian Forces reservist.

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