Can Senator Ernst Alter the Violence Against Women Act & Honor the 2A?

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst

Iowa – -( I recently read an article on AmmoLand News titled, “Senator Hyde-Smith Vows To Oppose Gun Control Hidden In Violence Against Women Act” which has me greatly concerned.

As you know, the pursuits of the anti-liberty-minded among us are relentless, and they never forget their errand.  I have admiration for their perseverance.  However, that is usually where my fondness ceases.  In this case, a myriad of assaults against liberty are contained within the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2021Pesky things like due process and the truth be damned, apparently?

Senator Ernst has a track record for elevating the 2A in practice and ideology.  Remember her campaign ads images?  We loved those and still do.

IFC isn’t prone to pitchforks and torches as a default position.  When we learn about potential problems, we see vital context each time we can.  You can read about that at the other day when House members from Iowa voted for the NDAA that contained Red Flag Anti-Gun components.

They went on to explain why they took the vote and Representative Ashely Hinson vowed not to vote for the bill if it contained Red Flag components in the final form.  She and her staff gave IFC some context and perspective and we really appreciated having it so we could share it with you all.  We’re monitoring that bill closely to make sure those commitments come to fruition.

While IFC keeps plenty of napalm around for a rainy day, the wise course of action we should be taking currently is to reach out to Senator Ernst.

We as constituents must let her know things like federal grants to fund gun seizures, Red Flags confiscation orders, funding to prosecute law-abiding Americans who falsely receive a NICS denial, and all-new special appointments and deputations to further gun control aren’t what we want or need.

If we have anything to report after making contact with Senator Ernst’s office, we’ll bring you up to speed.  We must voice our concerns and shape the future.

You should take a moment and go read additional articles on AmmoLand News.  They are concise and illuminating.

Contact Senator Joni Ernst and urge her to shape this bill in such a fashion that honors her commitment to voters.  You might be interested to know that Representative Miller-Meeks (R) Iowa, voted in favor and helped pass it through the House.

We’ll keep you up to speed, but this is a collaboration among two interested parties – IFC and YOU!  You have to get off your duff and contact Senator Ernst in order for this to work to the fullest.

In Liberty,

Michael Ware
IFC Chairman

About Iowa Firearms Coalition:

Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.

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