California Shotgun and Rifle Registration Bill Up For Vote

California Shotgun and Rifle Registration Bill Up For Vote

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California Shotgun and Rifle Registration Bill Up For Vote
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

SACRAMENTO, CA –-( AB 809 (Feuer), legislation which would require a permanent registry of long guns – including all shotguns and rifles – will be taken up on the Assembly Floor this week.

Under AB 809, those who purchase, or even transfer a shotgun or rifle will be required to permanently register that firearm by submitting their name, address, place of birth, phone number, occupation, and sex to the California Department of Justice.

Under current law, all information provided when filling out paperwork for the purchase of a shotgun or rifle must be destroyed shortly after the ten day waiting period.

COHA views AB 809 as an extreme invasion of personal privacy masked as a crime fighting tool, particularly given that traditional sporting arms make up a very small portion of all firearms related crimes committed in California each year.

Your action is needed immediately to help defeat AB 809. Please take the time to submit a letter of opposition to your Legislator. Click here for a sample letter and contact information.

AB 809 (Feuer) – Long Gun Registration – OPPOSE
COHA is actively working to defeat AB 809 (Feuer/D-Los Angeles), legislation which proposes to expand the current handgun registration law to include all long guns by requiring the Attorney General to permanently maintain a registry of all firearms purchasers.

Under the bill’s provisions, those who purchase or transfer a shotgun or rifle would be required to register that firearm by submitting their name, address, place of birth, phone number and occupation to the California Department of Justice.

At this point, it is unclear whether or not California’s existing handgun registration law is helping to fight crime in any meaningful way. COHA believes it is unnecessary to greatly expand the handgun registration law to include all firearms – particularly given that traditional sporting arms make up a very small fraction of all firearms related homicides in California each year.

AB 809 passed out of the Assembly Committee on Appropriations on May 27th, and is now on the Assembly Floor.
AB 809 Sample Letter

The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) is a partnership of conservation organizations, outdoor industry, other related interests and individuals who support science-based wildlife management and the preservation of our hunting rights in California. COHA is a 501(c)4 Political Advocacy organization dedicated solely to influencing legislative, regulatory and administrative policy decisions which promote wildlife conservation and our outdoor heritage. For more information about COHA, visit