California Rifle Pistol Association Files Appellants’ Brief for AB 2571

California Flag Guns Gun Control
Seemingly unsatisfied with attacking just one aspect of the Bill of Rights, the state last year passed AB 2571 to prohibit any communication or marketing relating to firearms that might be “attractive to minors”. IMG iStock 884191010

California, USA – Seemingly unsatisfied with attacking just one aspect of the Bill of Rights, the state last year passed AB 2571 to prohibit any communication or marketing relating to firearms that might be “attractive to minors”.

The law allows for fines of up to $25,000 for violations and initially put all ranges, associations, camps, clubs, FFLs, instructors, and youth organizations in jeopardy every time they sent out an email or placed an ad.  The law was slightly changed in the weeks following passage but only complicated the situation more.

CRPA moved immediately to stop the law from being implemented, filing a suit known as Junior Sports Magazine, Inc. v. Bonta.  In October, the Central District Court of California denied a preliminary injunction, a decision that CRPA is now appealing.

Recently, CRPA’s legal team filed its latest brief in the case, citing a host of First and Second Amendment tests that are simply not met by the new law and asserting that the merits of the challenge remain sound.  Oral arguments may be ordered in the case and would likely take place later this summer.

“Attacks on ‘gun culture’ are a fact of life with the California legislature, but AB 2571 is egregious even by their own standards,” states CRPA President & General Counsel Chuck Michel.

CRPA will keep fighting to stop this law and have it ruled unconstitutional.  Stay tuned to our emails, social media, and CRPA News for updates!

ABOUT California Rifle & Pistol Association

The California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA), founded in 1875, is a nonprofit membership and donor-supported organization with tens of thousands of members throughout California. We need you!CRPA logo