California Democrats Intro Bill To Stop 2nd Amendment Groups from Raising Money

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California Democrats Intro Bill To Stop 2Nd Amendment Groups From Raising Money

California – -( That’s right – if you think things couldn’t get any worse in California, Los Angeles Assemblyman Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) just introduced a bill that would outlaw any organization from raffling firearms.

AB 3199 would prohibit an authorized raffle conducted by eligible organizations (which Gun Owners of California and many like-minded groups are) from offering a firearm as a “prize.”

This is clearly a case where Democrats are doing everything they can to defund – and to eliminate organized opposition to their anti-gun policies.

Regardless of their intent, this will have no bearing whatsoever on crime in California. It is a punitive measure aimed directly at the thousands upon thousands of grassroots individuals who are members of organizations dedicated to the protection of the 2nd Amendment, hunting, firearms safety and training.

For years, Gun Owners of California has conducted fundraising raffles – which are duly registered with the Department of Justice – without incident.

Gun Owners of California will be joining with other groups to defeat this proposal and we need your help. Click here to find out who represents you in the Assembly, and make your opposition known.

Also, contact Assemblyman Chris Holden by calling (916) 319-2041 at the Capitol or his district office at (909) 624-7876.

Be armed. Be informed. Join Gun Owners of California.


Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California

About Gun Owners of California

Gun Owners of California is dedicated to the unequivocal defense of the 2nd Amendment, and America’s extraordinary heritage of firearm ownership.