California Ammo Registration Nightmare, Vendor Feedback Requested

9mm Pistol Bullet Ammo Ammunition Rounds
California Ammo Registration Nightmare, Vendor Feedback Requested

California –  -( The Calirfornia Department of Justice’s new Ammo Registration is proving to be an epic disaster – not only is the registration itself drastically unconstitutional, but the process is impractical, burdensome and costly to both retailers and customers.

To that end, Gun Owners of California is working with other Second Amendment groups to gather statistical data from licensed ammunition vendors AND customers on the problems many have faced with the registration process itself. This information will be extremely helpful in strengthening our arguments in the lawsuit Rhode v. Becerra.

Our legal team has put together a questionnaire for individuals and licensed ammunition vendors who have experienced difficulties with the process; again, the collection of this data is of utmost importance to overturning the ammunition registration scheme. If you have an experience you would care to pass along, we strongly encourage you to contact us and we will forward the questionnaire for your use (or other individuals who have either been denied or have experienced difficulties along the way).

Gun Owners of California is strongly committed to fighting this new law and we hope you will join us in the process. If you have any questions regarding the lawsuit or the the ammunition registration, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Gun Owners of CaliforniaAbout Gun Owners of California:

Gun Owners of California is the toughest fighting pro-gun organization in California. We spend 100% of our time fighting for the Second Amendment at the Capitol and electing pro-gun members to the legislature. We do not compromise when it comes to promoting your gun rights!