BREAKING: Obama launches program to stop homegrown terrorism

The Obama Administration has chosen three cities — Los Angeles, Boston and Minneapolis — to launch pilot programs to deter U.S. citizens from traveling overseas to fight with terrorists, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday.

Part of a broader strategy called “counter violent extremism,” the program works with local communities and aims to prevent terrorist attacks in the United States from those who have returned from fighting in Syria and Iraq.

Last week, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder announced part of the program in which the Justice Department would identify U.S. extremists. Monday’s announcement would charge federal agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation with identifying individuals planning to travel to Syria and convince them not to go, in addition to finding people who have fought with jihadist groups and monitor them when they return to the U.S., the Times reported.   

The United Kingdom has a similar program and was looked at in the development of the new U.S. counterterrorism program.     

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