Brady Campaign: ‘Guns don’t kill people. Toddlers kill people’ (VIDEO)

The Brady bunch is back with a new campaign satirically calling to get rid of the toddlers, saying, “Round them up. Deport them. Get them out of our country. And keep them away from our guns.”

The minute-long spot, created by the top shelf ad firm of McCann New York who has worked with everyone from Cigna Healthcare to Microsoft and Lockheed Martin, takes the view that armed toddlers are a danger to America, contending that at least once a week someone is killed by a gun in the arms of a prepubescent youth.

“Guns don’t kill people,” says the baritone narrator over images of kids with guns– many of them toys– interspersed with news headlines on tragic accidental shootings. “Toddlers kill people. Keep America Safe. Stop the toddlers now.”

“This PSA is satire. But the public health crisis it calls attention to is anything but,” Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign, said in a statement. “Whether the trigger is pulled by a toddler, a convicted felon, domestic abuser, or terrorist, we have a problem in America with guns too easily falling into the wrong hands. And that translates to hundreds of lives lost or changed forever every single day.”

Also this week, Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense announced there had been “202 child shootings” so far this year, though it defines a “child” as anyone age 17 and younger.

“Children should never be around unsecured guns, full stop. But the data creating this tragic, national milestone reveals that we have a lot of work to do – gun owners and non-gun owners alike – to make that a reality,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, in a statement emailed to

It should be noted that an alliance of 22 gun control organizations to include the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Stop Handgun Violence, MomsRising and the Newtown Action Alliance recently campaigned against a DOJ grant for the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s long-running Project ChildSafe program. Key tenets of the program, started in 1997, include responsible firearm storage to help reduce firearm accidents, theft and misuse and as such the program has distributed over 37 million free gun locks.

Currently, no national gun safety control organization gives out free gun locks or gun safety kits.

Probably too busy paying ad agencies for sweet videos and developers for slick websites. Priorities.

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