Arms Trade Treaty Funding Blocked for 2014

Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force
Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force

Anchorage, AK –-( From Dick Morris

 As a result of our persistent efforts (mainly yours’), I am pleased to announce that the Inhofe Amendment to the Defense Appropriation Bill has passed and been signed by the president!

The Arms Trade Treaty will not receive any money for implementation for all of 2014!

As you may recall, the Treaty — a backdoor UN gun control effort — was signed by Secretary of State Kerry in March of 2013.

While it has not been ratified by the Senate (and probably cannot be), under the Vienna Convention, it acquires the force of law in the U.S. until it is either turned down by the Senate or withdrawn by the president. Harry Reid will not bring the Treaty up for a vote, so it would remain in force for the duration of the Obama presidency. By 2017, its structures and commitments would have bitten deep into American law and practice.

But…. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) saved the day by inserting a ban on funding for the Treaty into the Defense Appropriation Bill for 2014. With the Administration eager to get the money, he was able to keep it in the final bill that was signed by the president on Thursday.


Now we need to capture the Senate so we can get the signature expunged and kill the Treaty entirely.

Thanks for all your help! Spread the good word!

Dick Morris

The mission of The Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force is to provide Alaskans with the knowledge of the meaning and true purpose of the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with which they may conduct themselves as responsible citizens of our republic. Visit: