Armed Rallies At State Capitols? Beware: Potential False Flag Event

False Flag
Armed Rallies At State Capitols? Beware: Potential False Flag Events

Montana – -( Dear Montana Shooting Sports Association Friends,

You may have heard Internet or other chatter urging armed rallies at state capitols for and before the inauguration.

There are some who claim that such proposals are provocateur efforts to create false flag incidents to demonize gun owners. I can’t say for sure, but that’s possible.

What I do know for sure is that any such demonstrations are not encouraged or supported by the Montana Shooting Sports Association, the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, or the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

None of the major gun rights groups are advocating such demonstrations.

I also know that things in Montana are going our way politically. My well-developed political instinct is that now is not a good time, to aid our political progress, for any “in your face” type of direct action in Helena. Such action would most likely offend political friends who are currently very much with us. Said differently, it is my judgment that a confrontational armed rally at the Montana capitol would most likely be counterproductive to the political gains we expect to make this legislative session.

So, if you’ve heard about and maybe wondering about any proposed armed rallies at state capitols, I can’t say what the benefit or effect might be in other states. But, in Montana, where I know the political turf, I believe such a demonstration would not be a good idea. Plus, the possibility exists that this idea is being circulated by anti-gunners trying to bait us to sticking a leg into a bear trap.

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana

About the Montana Shooting Sports Association:

Montana Shooting Sports Association is the primary political advocate for Montana gun owners. Visit:

Montana Shooting Sports Association