Archery Training in South Dakota Schools Continues to Grow

Kansas Students Compete In NASP State Archery Tournament
Kansas Students Compete In NASP State Archery Tournament

South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks

PIERRE, S.D. -( The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), sponsored by South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP), currently has 293 schools trained in the program with approximately 20,000 students participating each year.

GFP hosts an eight-hour safety and proficiency training for educators free of cost.

Upon completion of the training, educators are eligible to receive free archery equipment to conduct the program in their school. Schools with trained instructors can send students to state NASP tournaments. Over 600 students registered for the tournaments this past year.

“Studies have shown that 70 percent of participants in NASP are shooting a bow and arrow for the first time,” said Patrick Klotzbach, NASP coordinator for South Dakota. “GFP is excited that these students are getting a safe introduction to the shooting sports.”

“The kids in NASP are learning a life skill,” said Klotzbach. “We hope that these young people enjoy archery for years to come.”

NASP was created to provide archery opportunities to 4th through 12th grade students within an existing in-school curriculum. The program is available to all public, private and home school organizations.

For more information on NASP trainings or to register for training, contact or call 605.220.2130.