April’s ‘Gun-A-Day’ giveaway


Everyday it’s a different price, but it will always cover the cost of a gun.

For the second year in a row, the U.S. Concealed Carry Association kicked off its “Gun-A-Day” promotion, by giving away a gun every day throughout the entire month of April.

“Last year’s promotion was a HUGE success,” Tim Schmidt, USCCA President and Founder, said in a press release. “Since we launched the giveaway on April 1st, some people thought it was a joke. ‘How can you give away a gun every day?’ But I promise you, this is the real deal.”

“We like to think of it as the perfect way to reward responsibly armed Americans all across our great nation. Everyone has a chance to win,” Schmidt added.

The contest is straightforward. Contestants have to subscribe to the USCCA magazine, meaning they have to enter contact and credit card information. However, contestants don’t have to actually pay for a subscription, according to the fine print. To void the subscription, they have to enter and then mail a post card to the group stating so.

Each day, USCCA will sponsor the purchase of their featured firearm by sending the selected winner a check to cover its exact cost. For example, today the featured gun, Kahr MK9 Elite, is worth $932, so today’s winner will receive $932.

(We’re giving away the cost of a gun, isn’t as catchy)

The odds of winning are 1 in 8,000. Comparatively, the odds of winning the lottery are 1 in 259 million. So things are looking pretty bright for winning a gun.

Contestants can enter the giveaway at 30GunGiveaway.com or by purchasing a subscription to Concealed Carry Magazine, the USCCA’s national publication.

The USCCA publishes a magazine and an organization that advocates concealed carry. It has about 120,000 members.

The post April’s ‘Gun-A-Day’ giveaway appeared first on Guns.com.