Anti-Gun Left is not Capable of Understanding H.R.38 (Reciprocal Carry)

Concealed Carry Success
Anti-Gun Left is not Capable of Understanding H.R.38 (Reciprocal Carry)

U.S.A.-( Shaneen Allen obtained her concealed carry permit at the advice of a family member. She works two jobs and late at night, told local media that she was robbed twice last year before she decided to start carrying a gun.

When she was stopped for a minor traffic violation while passing through New Jersey, she without question and willing informed the officer that she held a permit and was carrying a firearm in her vehicle. Three-year minimum mandatory sentence in State Prison; Christie pardoned her, and the next N.J. Governor would not have.

Mistakes like this happen every day, and States like New Jersey that want to hurt and punish gun owners for exercising their 2nd Amendment rights are the reason H.R. 38 exists.

The anti-gun left openly fear hordes of redneck gun owners (to them: white uneducated, racists) swarming across the country upsetting their philosophy that it is better to be a victim than to defend your rights, yourself or your family.

I see no nobility in being a victim. Pain, anguish, loss…yes. There is no nobility.

H.R. 38 exists to protect the average gun owner who makes a mistake, often through no fault of their own. Had the left-wing elite decided not to punish people for their 2nd amendment rights H.R. 38 might not exist. This bill is a backlash to their prosecution of people like Shaneen Allen.


The left claims that H.R. 38 is unconstitutional because it violates states’ rights.

But what the left fails to remember is that we’ve heard this argument over gay marriage. The left argued that because a plurality of states allowed gay marriage all states should. Additionally, they argued that a marriage license issued in one state should be valid in ALL states.

It sure looks like a plurality of states allows CCW.
It sure looks like a plurality of states allows CCW.
 Only the red and dark red counties prevent a citizen from defending themselves. 60%+ of the CA population lives in a shall issue or may issue county.
Only the red and dark red counties prevent a citizen from defending themselves. 60%+ of the CA population lives in a shall issue or may issue county.

The same far left activists who jammed gay marriage down our throats will see their same logic used to expand 2nd Amendment rights. It sure looks like a plurality of states allows CCW.

The fact is there are only a handful of States where may issue is the law of the land. It is those costal elite that oppose H.R. 38.

Now I’m going to tell you a secret. I’ve added a map by county of California. Only the red and dark red counties prevent a citizen from defending themselves. 60%+ of the CA population lives in a shall issue or may issue county. The State is ruled by the Bay area and LA county liberal elites. The rest of the State looks a lot more like normal people.

If not for motor vehicle registering illegal aliens to vote, the face of California would look very different. Approximately 4 million illegal aliens, all voting in state and local elections, creates a state that can never be too left for its population. Most of these illegal immigrants come from counties where gun ownership is banned. This block of voters is also why the gay marriage initiative failed in CA.

H.R. 38 PROTECTS gun owners, it keeps us from being persecuted by left-wing zealots and helps preserve our rights. Call your Senator NOW.

About Don McDougall:Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA”committee. If he’s not at the range you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.