Anti-Gun Ellison Perfect Choice for Democrats to Continue Alienating Flyover Voters

By David Codrea

Ellison wants the job. Gun owners should say “Go for it.”

USA – -( “Meet the Rising Democrat That Bernie Sanders Wants to Lead the DNC,” ATTN:, the “issues-driven media company” aimed at inspiring “mobile-first” millenials  to “social change” (i.e., “progressive” propagandists), urges readers. That would be Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, who has thrown his hat in the ring to lead the DemocraticNtional Committee. Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer are on board with that, and per an earlier report in The Huffington Post, Ellison also has Harry Reid’s endorsement.

Great. An unreconstructed socialist and the DNC old guard – all from “safe” districts in blue states – think they can establish national political supremacy by installing a figurehead that screams “progressivism.” The irony is, their motive is to maintain the status quo as far as their own political fortunes are concerned, that is (keeping in mind that it’s a relative term), to be “conservative.”

They’re showing their desperation. They’re also showing they haven’t learned a thing about the people who opposed their agenda in last Tuesday’s election, and are set to repeat all the miscalculations and blunders that led to such a sweeping electoral rout.

Good.  Because that means they’ll double down on their opposition-building tactic of insulting Americans who reject their control über alles agenda. They’ll continue to smear us as haters and xenophobes, strengthening the resentment and resolve among the flyover electorate to tell them to get bent.

So we’ll be called racists and xenophobes, because Ellison is not only black, he’s a Muslim. It doesn’t occur to “progressives” that most will oppose him because of the policies he advances: citizen disarmament; ginning up race-based grievances; continued cultural terraforming via a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens, and accelerated and unvettable “refugee resettlement” from Islamic regions where beliefs irreconcilable with those of the West are the norm.

And Ellison will lead the chorus, repeating his condemnation of patriotic Americans who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights as members of “extremist anti-government movements.”

True to the “For ‘progressives,’ every day is Opposite Day” maxim, he’s projecting. Shall we examine who the one with “extremist” ties really is?

Ellison is a leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, co-founded by Sanders. And the Caucus (with Ellison specifically identified) maintains “ties” with the Communist Party USA and “close ties” with another “progressive” group, the Democratic Socialists of America, the domestic arm of Socialist International.

The DSA devoted a page on their website (until they took it down to try to hide it—this link goes to the Internet Archive record, which they can’t erase) to hymns glorifying their “struggle.” The following examples should be of special interest, since the people they’re talking about are pretty much you and me:


That ought to play well in the Red States. And do you think it might have something to do with the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ obsession with controlling your guns?

Ellison is the perfect choice to be the new face of the Democratic National Committee, and it’s in the interests of people happy with last Tuesday’s results to do what we can to encourage his election. He’ll give “progressive” true believers what they want in terms of optics, the same out-of-touch old guard will still hold the reins of real party power, nothing will change in terms of reach exceeding grasp, and flyover voters will continue to be incentivized to oppose lying (and truth be known, provincial) leftists smearing us as bigots and hicks.

So go #KeithEllison!

And stop screaming, Howard Dean – you’re going to spoil everything.

UPDATE: A reader reminds me of another reason Ellison’s “leadership” will ensure a radical agenda sure to end in failure:

Rep. Keith Ellison: I Wish Democrats Would Come Out Against the Second Amendment

David Codrea in his natural habitat.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.