Anchorage Sportsmen – STOP The Treehuggers Vote October 28, 2014

Voting Booth
Voting Booth
Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force
Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force

Anchorage, AK –-( Anchorage Alaska hunters and fishers!

Please take 10 minutes to vote! Special election meeting of the Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee will be held on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at the King Career Center located at 2650 E. Northern Lights Blvd.

Doors generally open about 6pm for voting, meeting begins at 6:30. Your vote is essential; if you can stay for the meeting, all the better.

I realize the demand on people’s time but this meeting will be electing 6 members to the Advisory Committee, which is enough to change the makeup and seriously change the outcome of almost any proposal.

The Xtreme Greenies have become aware of this election and are likely to attempt to take over (as they did a few years ago), so as to influence the upcoming BOF and BOG cycles. If that happens, they will do everything they can to shut down your fishing and hunting rights. It is imperative to get the vote out and safeguard our interest in this matter.

It will not take a big part of your night has you can walk in, vote, and walk back out if you do not wish to attend the meeting. The pro-hunting and fishing candidates are listed below:

Sam Albanese, Jim Bolgiano, Gary Brell, Neil Dewitt, Dwight Johnson, Michael Klehr

Please send this to the widest possible dissemination. This is a urgent call!

2ATF Website

Check out the 2ATF Trading Post Classifieds Here.

The mission of The Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force is to provide Alaskans with the knowledge of the meaning and true purpose of the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with which they may conduct themselves as responsible citizens of our republic. Visit: