An Open Letter To The GOP On Gun Control


Protest Speak Out Shout Activist Gun Ban Assault Weapon iStock-468765816
Protest Speak Out Shout Activist Gun Ban Assault Weapon iStock-468765816

USA – -( Dears Senator/Representative:

Every time a tragedy happens, you steal a slice of our rights. A silver here, a shaving there. The result is always the same. We lose our rights for meaningless laws that will not make anyone safer or criminals less dangerous. You sell our right as a PR stunt to win votes.

Fine, we all accept that sometimes that needs to happen. But how about you include OUR needs and wants as part of your bipartisan compromise. How about us (The 120,000,000 American gun owners) get our needs addressed. How about we cut a deal?

Background Checks: Sure on all sales of new or used firearms. But we want national insta-check. We want what you originally promised us. That at any gun store or police station, we can walk-in and clear the transfer in 10 minutes. You can still give a gun to a family member or lend a gun to a friend for a day’s  shooting. If we do this, we want an end to waiting periods too.

You want Red Flag: We agree, but there MUST be safeguards. Phony claims must be prosecuted; guns confiscated for legitamte claims may be held no more than 60 days. The purpose of Red Flag is to keep people safe not to punish gun owners. In that 60 day period, you’ll have time for a proper hearing. Penalize any State that exceeds these limits with real consequences.

We want CCW reciprocity. Complete a 16-hour course (The new NRA CCW course will do thank you), and you can carry anywhere in the country.

Declare all AR variants firearms ”in common use.” Better yet simply define in common use as any firearms with 1 million or more in use. End waiting period for firearms.

Any illegal alien who tries to buy a firearm should be jailed and then deported.

So – Stop selling us down the river with the assumption we’ll always be there for you, we won’t. We did not come out for Bush 41, McCain or Romney. Sell us out and well stay home in November 2020.

Got it? Give back some rights and protections for those that you bargain away.

Gun control is about scaring suburban women into voting for democrats. Renovation of the gun laws is about modernizing how guns are managed in our country.

Don McDougall

After thoughts:

I know some of you will say no compromise, no surrender. The fact is we can do two things. Get a balance of things we want or lose it all. You blast the NRA when they build compromises, but there is a simple fact. We can get more than we give. We might with this battle, but unless we forge some common ground, we will lose the war. We need more youth shooting, more support for The Friends of the NRA. We need more high school programs and college scholarships. We need to teach the 2A to the next generation.

Right now Wayne LaPierre is the “Mad King” dismantling the NRA so to cling to power while our rights burn. (I had a Nero comparison but went with G.O.T. instead.) We’re on our own. This will be Wayne’s legacy, as the man who sold out American gun owners for his own wealth. He will burn in hell for what he’s doing. I am comforted by the knowledge that in the end, we are all dust.

Here is the site to be able to e-mail your representative, you can use the letter above as a model or write your own. Be polite and professional. At the end of the day, we have the constitution and the people on our side. Do not let cowards give away our rights. To do that, YOU personally must get active. God bless you and god protect our republic.

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.