ABC wrongly depicts LAX shooter using M-16 with M203, not S&W M&P15

In the wake of the LAX shooting that left one TSA agent dead and several other agents injured, ABC took some creative liberties in telling the story.

The network’s show, Good Morning America, created a computer animation inaccurately depicting the gunman, Paul Anthony Ciancia, carrying a select-fire M-16 with an attached M203 grenade launcher. In actuality, he carried a Smith & Wesson M&P15, Bearing Arms reported.

MSNBC took similar creative liberties when they portrayed Aaron Alexis, the man responsible for the Navy Yard shooting, as using an AR-15 with an attached M203 grenade launcher. According to the FBI, no AR-15 was found at the scene and it was determined Alexis entered the premises with a shotgun.

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