Aaron Schmaus announces the release of ‘Ten Rules for Finding a Good Hunting Partner’

Ten Rules for Finding a Good Hunting Partner
Ten Rules for Finding a Good Hunting Partner

LIVINGSTON, MT – -(AmmoLand.com)- While teaching a new hunter how to hunt, Aaron Schmaus and his hunting buddy decided to start listing a set of rules that would outline what each individual should look for in a hunting partner. The rules were very quickly able to morph into rules for finding a partner for any relationship, and because of this, Schmaus decided to share these rules with the world in “Ten Rules for Finding a Good Hunting Partner” (published by AuthorHouse).

Buy Now Gun DealsThe book is a universal concept in many different facets of life. These same ten principles can be applied to finding a spouse, business partner, or even just a good friend. The stories in the book are from actual events, and they were inspired by a pet project to introduce a brand-new person into the backpack hunting world. Through the process of teaching this individual how to hunt, great friendships and partnerships were born.

“These connections that we seek in a hunting partner are to be treasured and adored. Believe me, a good partner is hard to find and worth their weight in gold. These people are with us through our extreme ups and downs. They support us even though we don’t think we may be able to carry on, and they are the ones willing to grab our hand and help us up the mountain when we physically are giving up on ourselves,” Schmaus says. “As you read this book, keep in mind that these rules are not in any significant order. It is up to you to prioritize these rules to fit your needs.”

“Ten Rules for Finding a Good Hunting Partner” reminds readers that if they take the time to vet individuals on a true scale, they can find meaningful relationships, but they must be willing to check the boxes for every aspect that fits their personality.

“Ten Rules for Finding a Good Hunting Partner”

By Aaron Schmaus
Softcover | 5 x 8in | 58 pages | ISBN 9781728301549
E-Book | 58 pages | ISBN 9781728301532
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Aaron Schmaus has been an accomplished athlete, backcountry hunter and U.S. Air Force combat veteran. Through many trials and tribulations, he has found it incumbent on himself to assist others in health in wellness, wildlife conservation, backcountry hunting and motivation.