94-year-old WW2 POW Veteran Vito Trausi – This Week on Gun For Hire Radio #424 LISTEN

94-year-old WW2 POW Veteran Vito Trausi – This Week on Gun For Hire Radio
94-year-old WW2 POW Veteran Vito Trausi – This Week on Gun For Hire Radio

New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- For Americans, July 4th is a day of celebration. It is a day that symbolizes our freedom from a tyrannical monarchy all those years ago in 1776.

Even though we celebrate this day every calendar year, the true spirit of the fight has devolved into Barbeques and fireworks displays. The principle of freedom with which we were endowed by Our Creator, and the gravity of the concept of personal sovereignty, is lost on many of us that have never experienced physical captivity from a hostile régime during a fight for the lives of our Countrymen.

That isn’t true for Mr. Vito Trausi.

Vito is a Human-rights Warrior, a combat Veteran, an American Hero, a former Missing-In-Action-Prisoner of War in Italy during World War II, and an all-around amazing person with a tremendous story to tell.

Our friend Dr. Brian Tanz met Vito on an airplane trip to Aruba, and after Anthony heard about him, he knew we had to get Vito’s story to the Patriots of today. We are so thankful that Vito agreed to be on Gun For Hire Radio for July 4th this year. All too often we overlook the price of freedom. The enormous cost of lives, both military and civilian, that those dedicated to the preservation of our God-given rights have paid for the rest of us.

To all of our defenders in the United States Armed Services, thank you!

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Want Ant to rant about something with you? Of course, WE ALL DO!! You can send Anthony a social media message to submit requests for a rant on the subject of your choice or email your questions, comments and scathing judgments to: Anthony@gunforhire.com

The Cheeseman-Jillard cases which were both denied at the State level are heading to the Supreme Court and they need more money to fight the fight for the rights of all of us. They are just about $3,000 short of their goal, so if you value those rights as an American, you should donate to the cause. “If you are tired of being told you do not have a need for a 2C:58-4 Permit, please donate to the case. Every dollar will go to defeating the Siccardi Rule and NJAC 13:54-2.4d-1.” The Cheeseman-Jillard suit is called “Support the Restore Carry to NJ cause,” and the GoFundMe page is www.gofundme.com/restore-carry-nj and put in the notes on the GoFundMe.com page, “I am not an #SMP.” You can also donate to the cause by going to the CNJFO website link at: https://www.cnjfo.com/Donate

If you are you a New Jersey resident that is feeling disenfranchised by the current passive-progressive administration, there are several places you can now go to sign the petition to recall the gubernatorial election. It just so happens that The Woodland Park Range in Woodland Park, New Jersey is one of those places! Come on down to Gun For Hire and our friendly Concierge staff will get your information and notarize your signature. If you want to oust Murphy, you can access more details about the recall here: https://helpsavenj.com/

The hosts of the weekly Gun For Hire Radio broadcast are Sandy Berardi and Master Firearms Trainer, Anthony Colandro and they come to you from deep within the bowels of the Second Amendment wasteland, that is New Jersey with THE most listened to Second Amendment broadcast in the Nation!!

Gun For Hire RadioAbout Gun for Hire Radio:

Gun For Hire Radio-the Voice of 1-Million New Jersey Gun Owners, is the Number-One rated talk show in the Nation. News, commentary, entertainment, and education you won’t hear anywhere else. Listen, learn and laugh your ass off. Visit: www.gunforhireradio.com