Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Rittenhouse Announces Project to ‘Hold Media Accountable’

“I don’t want to see anybody else have to deal with what I went through so I want to hold them accountable for what they did to me."—Kyle Rittenhouse

Tucker Carlson’s Enthusiasm for NYC Mayoral Candidate is Undeserved

It's more than hypocritical that Adams has his gun but he demands citizen disarmament, not just for New York City, but for the rest of the country as well.

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Olbermann Unwittingly Demonstrates Importance of Right to Keep and Bear Arms

To all of you gun-owning “Trump enablers” who are reading this, here’s a question you’ll need to consider: Do you intend to “go gentle into that good night”?

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Jackson Lee’s AR-15 Ignorance is More Democrat Political Malpractice

Whether they’re genuine mental defectives, deliberate subversives or both, they’re enabled and empowered by useful idiot constituents.

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The Unpardonable Heresy of Tucker Carlson

After playing clips of Democratic politicians reciting that truth of modern liberalism, Tucker Carlson asked, "How, precisely, is diversity our strength?"

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