Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Paul Ryan Set to Retire

In the wake of Ryan’s announcement that he intends to retire a number of economic commentators pointed out that his grand plans came to naught..

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Paul Ryan — Still an Entitlements Reform Crusader?

Concerning Paul Ryan's decision to leave Congress, I am more troubled by its implications for entitlement reform than the impact it may have on the GOP agenda or the November elections.

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Trump Dumps the Do-Nothing Congress

In the days of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, Congress was a rival to even strong presidents. Those days are long gone.

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Ducks Unlimited Celebrates Eighty Years of Conservation on Capitol Hill

Last week, more than 650 people gathered for the annual Ducks Unlimited Capitol Hill dinner and auction. More than 70 members of congress attended.

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Health Reform: The Road Ahead

The current congressional leadership tried to pass a complicated, critical bill to repeal and replace Obamacare in fewer than three months..

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Will Gun Control Remain in ObamaCare?

Conservatives in the House's Freedom Caucus and in the Senate are now in open revolt against House Speaker Paul Ryan's "Son of ObamaCare" bill.

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The Final Push is Coming for The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act

Take the final opportunity to call Paul Ryan and urge approval of the Energy Conference report with the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act.

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Paul Ryan (R-WI) to Cut Gun Control Deal, Major Vote Next Week

While you and I prepare for a weekend of R&R in celebration of this nation's freedom, Wisconsin Republicrat Paul Ryan is working behind the scenes to crush what little freedom you and I have left.

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