Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert ~ Going To The Supreme Court To Defend Your Rights

I promised that I’d defend your Second Amendment rights all the way up to the Supreme Court if necessary, and I’m keeping my promise.

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Colorado Congressional Rep. Boebert Introduces Real Infrastructure Bill

President Biden calls everything under the sun infrastructure, but only 6% of his $2.3 trillion so-called infrastructure plan goes to roads and bridges. The rest goes to climate change.

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Rep. Boebert Stands Against ANTIFA & Condemns Political Violence ~ VIDEO

Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-03) introduced a resolution to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization and unequivocally condemn its violent actions.

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Rep. Boebert Votes “NO” on Impeachment Charade

I voted against today’s article of impeachment and yesterday’s 25th Amendment coup, because these impeachment attempts were not exercised appropriately and because more partisan charades...

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Rep. Boebert Condemns Violence and Highlights Democrat Hypocrisy

We should take Democrats at their word when they say never let a crisis go to waste. Their hypocrisy is on full display with talks of impeachment, censure, and other ways to punish Republicans...

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Democrats Fail To Strip Gun Rights In Late Weekend Rule Package

21 Democratic Members of Congress sent a letter to House Speaker Pelosi to include “a provision in the Rules Package" "to ensure that Member of Congress may not possess firearms".

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Congresswoman-Elect Boebert Will Object to Electoral College Certification ~ VIDEO

"The American people deserve secure and fair elections. Unfortunately, the 2020 election was neither of those things. I will be voicing my objection on January 6th.” ~ U.S. Congresswoman-Elect Boebert

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Lauren Boebert, Star Second Amendment Supporter, Wins Colorado House Race

Proven Second Amendment supporter Lauren Boebert won the U.S. third House District race in Colorado on 3 November. She is a dedicated Constitutional conservative.

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Colorado: A Message from Your New Congresswoman-Elect Lauren Boebert

I believed from the very beginning this race was a choice between freedom and prosperity or more government control of our lives. I campaigned every day to make sure my conservative message was heard.

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Colorado: Lauren Boebert For Congress Launches Latest Television Commercial ~ VIDEO

I'm Lauren Boebert, a small business owner, a mom, a Coloradan fed up with far-left Washington politicians. AOC? Nancy Pelosi? They'll take away our Second Amendment rights.

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Colorado: Tom Tancredo Endorses Lauren Boebert’s Run For Congress ~ LISTEN

Tom Tancredo announced his endorsement of U.S. House of Representatives candidate Lauren Boebert today stating, “Lauren Boebert is a principled no-nonsense patriot, fighting for our freedom. I urge...

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